Annual Report 1995-96

教 育 學 院 重 要 發 展 Major Events in the Faculty of Education •學院新成立之教學發展組舉辦連串活動以提高教學質素,諸如向新任教 師和研究生簡介教與學應注意事項,與教學單位合作探索改善教學方 法,以及遨請著名教育家舉辦工作坊。 •學位教師教育文憑課程和全日制小學教育教育學士課程與本地中、小學 建立正式聯繫,以吸納優秀教師的專業意見和經驗。 •小學教育教育學士課程首批畢業生誕生。 •體育組創辦中港台三大運動友誼賽,由北京大學、台灣大學和中文大學 學生代表隊進行球類競技。 •與香港教育研究所和香港初等教育研究學會合辦「基礎教育國際研討 會」,探討如何培訓優秀的基礎教育教師。年內舉辦之大型國際會議尚 有「二十一世紀之職業技術教育研討會」、「特殊教育研討會」和「教育 與國家民族研討會」等。 • The faculty's newly established Teachin g Development Unit launched a series of activities to improve the quality of teaching on campus: induction courses for n ew teachers a nd p o s t g r a d u a te research s t u d e n t s, partnerships w i th selective departments/units to explore more effective means of learning and teaching, and workshops by internationally famous educationists. • The faculty's postgraduate diploma in education programme and th e full-time B.Ed. programme in p r i ma ry educatio n established formal linkages w i t h local secondary and p r i ma r y schools to solicit direc t professional inpu t f r om the best practising teachers . • The B.Ed. programme in primary education produced its first batch of graduates. • The Physical Education Unit organized an intervarsity meet — the first of its k i nd — for student-athletes of CUH K, Peking University, and National Taiwan University. • In association w i t h the H o ng Ko ng Institute of Educational Researc h and the H o n g K o ng Primary Educational Research Association, the faculty organized an international conference on basic education entitled 'Nurturing Competent Teachers for Basic Education'. Other international conferences organized durin g the year were 'Vocational and Technical Education for 2000', 'Special Education', and 'Education and National Identity — Ho n g Kong Education in the 1997 Transition'. 師訓及師資諮詢委員會主席麥烈菲菲教 授出席「基礎教育國際研討會」,任主 禮嘉賓。 Prof. Felice Lieh Mak, chair of the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications, officiatesat the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Basic Education' Academic Development 學 術發展 21