Annual Report 1995-96

工 程 學 院 重 要 發 展 Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering •學院重整轄下學系開設的科目,刪除部分內容相若者。 •計算機科學與工程學系修訂其計算機工程學課程,增加有關硬件和數字 系統的科目。該系又增設實驗室,以促進電腦圖像和虛擬現實的教研工 作。 •系統工程與工程管理學系完成金融工程組的籌備工作。金融工程科目將 於一九九六至九七年度起供工科和商科學生修讀。 •學院正式成立諮詢委員會,成員包括香港工業界代表和校外學者各四 名。他們會就學院的學術和專業發展方向提供意見。 •學院設立訊息網絡研究所,開展有關資訊網絡設計和網絡服務的研究, 以及從事技術轉移和顧問工作。 •設置價值八百萬港元的兩百萬 cV 加速器,促進離子束分析和半導體材 料的研究。 • The f a c u l ty successfully s t r e am l i n ed courses offered by v a r i o us departments to avoid overlapping. • The computer engineering programm e was revised to include more hardware and digital systems courses. A Silicon Graphics Inc. Laboratory was set up in the Department of Compute r Science and Engineering to support teaching and research in computer graphics and virtual reality. • The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineerin g Management finalized preparations for a concentration stream in financial engineering, to be offered in conjunction w i th the Faculty of Business Administration. • A Faculty Advisory Board was formally establishe d to give advice and guidance on the academic and professional development of the faculty. It comprises four representatives f r om local industry and four external academics. • The I n f o rma t i on N e t w o r k i ng Laboratories was set u p to engage i n sponsored research, technology transfer, and consultancy in information network design and network services. • A 2,000,000-eV accelerator worth HK$8 million wa s installed for ion beam analysis and semiconductor materials research. 計算機科學與工程學系之先進科研設施 The Silicon Graphics Inc. Laborator y 學術發展 Academic Development 22