Annual Report 1997-98

1997-98 wa s especiall y challengin g an d fruitfu l fo r th e schoo l as man y n e w p r o g r amme s an d service s we r e launched . During t h e yea r ove r 1,50 0 course s we r e organize d fo r a total o f s om e 27,50 0 students . A ne w Diplom a i n Policin g and Securit y Studie s wa s introduce d - t h e firs t professiona l training p r o g r amm e o f it s kin d tha t i s tailo r ma d e fo r t ho s e in-service personne l i n th e polic e f o r c e an d la w en f o r c emen t and securit y professional s i n Hon g Kong . A Graduat e Diploma/Diploma i n Nutritio n Educatio n fo r Earl y Childhoo d Personnel, an d a Certificate/Diplom a i n Musi c Performanc e (Piano) we r e als o launched . In developin g ne w p r og r amme s , th e SC S wo r k e d closel y with man y loca l an d oversea s educationa l institutions . 校外進修學院與美國俄亥俄大學簽訂合作協議 A collaboratio n agreemen t bein g signe d betwee n th e SC S an d Ohi o University 一九九七至九八年度校外進修學院學生人次 Statistics on SCS Student En r o lment 1997-98 課程數目 No. of Programmes 科目數目 No. of Courses 學生人次 No. of Students 短期課程 General Course s 946 20,170 學位、文憑及護書課程 Degree, Diplom a & Certificat e Programme s 386 4,550 學位課程 Degree 4 文憑課程 Diploma 12 證書課程 Certificate 25 遙距課程 Distance Educatio n Course s 170 2,592 中國培訓課程 China Projec t 6 223 總計 Total 1,508 27,535 註:以一九九八年六月三十日之紀錄計算 No t e: A l l figure s a s a t 30t h Jun e 199 8 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Annual Report Service to Hong Kong and the World 5 5