Annual Report 1997-98

公共衛生學院大樓構想圖 School o f Publi c Healt h Buildin g an d A u d i t o r i u m (artist' s impression) 大學行政樓新貌 University Administratio n Buildin g afte r renovatio n • A 450-plac e hoste l fo r postgraduate s wa s a t a n advanced stag e o f construction . • Superstructura l wor k fo r Phas e V redevelopmen t o f teaching building s o n Chun g Ch i campu s bega n i n Ma y 1998. • Constructio n o f a 300-plac e hoste l fo r undergraduate s on Sha w Colleg e campu s began . • A Schoo l o f Publi c Healt h Buildin g and Auditoriu m a t th e Prince o f Wale s Hospita l wa s a t a n advance d stag e o f design. Sit e preparatio n wa s abou t t o begin , 翻新及升格工程 一些在七十年代興建的樓宇於年內大規模翻新和重新間格,包括大學 行政樓、基本醫學大樓、科學館、新亞書院人文館,和校長府邸 「漢園」。這些樓宇內的會議室、演講廳、課室、實驗室、危險品 倉、升降機、空調系統和防火系統等均已更新,以符合最新安全規 格,並提供更佳敎硏設施。 Renovation and Upgrading A numbe r o f building s constructe d i n th e seventie s underwent majo r renovatio n an d spatia l reorganizatio n during th e year . Thes e includ e th e Universit y Administratio n Building, th e Basi c Medica l Science s Building , th e Scienc e Centre, th e Humanitie s Buildin g o n Ne w Asi a campus , an d the VC' s residence . Man y o f th e facilitie s insid e thes e buildings suc h a s conferenc e rooms , lectur e theatres , classrooms, laboratories , dangerou s good s stores , lifts , air - conditioning systems , an d fir e system s wer e als o overhauled an d upgraded , 香港中文大學 年 報 教學輔助設施 7 8