Annual Report 1998-99

九八至九九年度由中大研究委員會分配的資源(百萬港元) Disbursement by the CUHK Research Committee 1998-99 (HK$ million) 總額 Total (29.2) 本校歷年取得的研究資助局甄選撥款金額,和獲該局評為「卓 越」級的硏究項目數量,均可佐證本校硏究項目素質之高。 截至一九九九年五月,在本地五百七十項已完成的研究計劃之 中,有六十七項獲研究資助局評核為「卓越」,其中三十項是 由本校敎研人員主持的。 to the University and the total number of CUHK projects it rated as 'Excellent' are indicative of th e high quality of research at the University. As at May 1999, of the 570 completed projects assessed by the RGC, 67 projects were rated as 'Excellent'. Among these 67 projects, 30 ar e from CUHK. 卓越級研究項目統計 Projects Rated Excellent by RGC 研 究 Research 38