Annual Report 1998-99

(上圖)崇基教學樓群第五期重建計劃快將完成 (右圖) 蒙民偉樓落成典禮由香港特別行政區行政長官董建 華先生(左二)主持,出席者包括蒙民偉博士(左三)、 大學校董會主席利漢釗博士(左一)和李國章校長(右一)。 (Above) Phase V redevelopment of teaching buildings on Chung Chi campus in progress (Right) The Hon. Tung Chee-hwa (left 2), Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Dr. William Mong Man-wai (left 3), Dr. Lee Hon-chiu (left 1), chairman of the University Council, and Vice-Chancellor Prof. Arthur K.C. Li (right 1) at the opening ceremony of the Mong Man Wai Building o 三幢各可提供三百個宿位的本科生宿舍將陸續興建:位於 逸夫書院的已經動工,屬新亞及聯合的則已完成主要設計。 o 位處威爾斯親王醫院的公共衛生學院大樓已動土。 o 工程學新大樓以及何善衡夫人醫科生宿舍擴建部分的設計已 大致完成。 翻新及升格工程 不少樓宇於年中曾內外翻修並更新部分設施。它們包括大學行政 樓、中國文化硏究所、碧秋樓、兆龍樓、科學館及科學館東座、 基本醫學大樓、新亞書院人文館,以及聯合書院張祝珊師生康樂 中心。范克廉樓游泳池的更衣室更煥然一新。 o The new science centre complex —Mong Man Wai Building — was completed for occupancy. o The 450-place hostel for postgraduates wa s also completed. o Phase V redevelopment of teaching buildings on Chung Chi campus was at an advanced stage of construction. o Of the three 300-place hostels for undergraduates, the one on Shaw campus was under construction, while the othe r two for New Asia and United Colleges had their designs completed for the large pan. o Foundation construction began for the Schoo l of Public Health building and auditorium at the precinct of the Prince of Wales Hospital o Design of the New Engineering Complex (Phase II) and Extension to the Madam S.H. Ho Hostel for medical student s was at an advanced stage. 校園建設與環境保護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection 73