Annual Report 1999–2000
傑•出•研•究•計•劃 Outstanding Research Project 文學院 Faculty of Arts 香港文化情境下的中國及西方料幻小 説比較研究 A Comparative Study on Chinese and Western Science Fiction and Fantasy in the Context of Hong Kong Culture 這項計劃旨在透過中西科幻小説的比較 硏究,在理論層面闡釋人文學科與現今 科技發展的密切關係,繼而詳細説明 科幻小説在其中所發揮的作用。研究人 員一方面回顧香港的敎育結構,指陳香 港文理分科導致科學與人文隔離的弊 端,另方面就本地課程所欠缺的科幻元 素或敎材提出補救之道。硏究成果將於 二零零_年_月四至六日,在校園召開 的全港首個科幻小説國際會議上披露。 By reaching out to establish relationships between the humanities and th e vast spaces mapped by science and technology in contemporary society through a study of science fiction, the project aims a t opening up a future for humanity studies in the 21st century, which will be marked by the rapid development of science and technology. Th e project is also expected to benefit Hong Kong society at large by alerting educators to the need for greater mutual reinforcement between literature and culture on the one side, and science and technology on the other. Research results wil be discussed in a conference entitled 'Hong Kon g 2001 Conference: Technology, Identity, and Futurity, East and West, in the Emerging Global Village', the first of its kind to be held in Hong Kong from 4th to 6th January 2001 at the University.
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