Annual Report 1999–2000
傑‧出‧研‧究‧計‧劃 Outstanding Research Project 工程學院 Faculty of Engineering 高速分組交換系統 High Speed Packet Switch System 「寬帶集成服務數位網絡」勢必成為重 要的傳遞媒介,用以支援各種服務,關 鍵在於研究人員能否設計出足以應付各 種帶寬需求並確保服務品質的大型交換 機。李東敎授主持的「高速分組交換」 項目,開發了三個重要的交換系統機結 構組件,包括無阻複製網絡的設計、 模組式的交換機設計,和支援異步傳輸 模式的半靜態路由方法,有助研製無 阻、自我路由、兼支援一對多寬帶服務 的大型分組交換機,解決未來「寬帶集 成服務數位網絡」所有功能上和規模上 的交換疑難。李敎授因而獲得一九九 九年中國國家自然科學獎和日本電子訊 息通訊學會的傑出論文獎。 Broadband integrated service digital networks (BiSDN) will soon become the platform that supports diverse services, and the key to its success is the design of large-scale switches to cope with heterogeneous bandwidth constraints and diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements. Prof. Tony T. Lee developed three architectural features that made possible the design of large scale non- blocking, self-routing multicast packet switches for BISDN: the design of non- blocking copy networks, a modular approach to switch design, and a quasi-static routing scheme called Path Switching for large-scale asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switches. These inventions are capable of completely solving all switching problems, both in functionality and dimensionality, for future BISDN networks. For his research achievements, Prof. Lee was awarded the prestigious National Natural Science Award by the Chinese government in 1999, and his paper on the subject also won an outstanding paper award by the Institute of Electronic, Information and Communication Engineers in Japan in the same year.
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