Annual Report 2000–01

首先,校內的敎學發展組已經重組為「學能提升 硏究中心」,並擴大了職責範圍,除了協助敎師 改良敎學,更負責引進新的敎學方法,硏究如何 增強敎與學的成效,以及為課程改革提供顧問服 務。新中心的重要任務,就是不斷改良敎學,維 持大學整體敎與學的素質。 在學院以至大學的層面,我們也再三強調大學極 度重視優良敎學,並推出不同的計劃,嘉獎有傑 出表現的敎師,鼓勵他們繼續努力。 至於硏究活動方面,我們於二零零一年初議決, 不論敎資會的評核機制為何,大學將每三年進行 一次內部硏究評核,以監察各項硏究的進度, 並審議個別研究人員的表現。上一次的內部評核 於一九九九年完成,下一次將會於二零零二年 展開。 香港硏究資助局於二零零一年六月訪校兩天, 主要是參觀校園的硏究設施,閲覽硏究項目的 專題介紹,訪問個別學系,並與敎師及硏究生 交談。中大的深厚硏究傳統和文化,以及研究活 動的博大精微,均使硏資局成員留下深刻的印 象。 中大同人的努力並沒有白費。敎資會於二零零一 年中公布各大學於下一個三年撥款期的資助額, 香港中文大學的資助總額首度成為眾院校之冠, 顯示我們的敎硏成績及水準,獲得高度肯定。 大學今年所表現的活力和所取得的進展,也實 在令人深感欣慰。各學院學系所舉辦的國際學術 會議和傑出訪問學人講座固然為數甚多,硏究 人員在不同學科也取得不少新的突破和專利。 敎職人員和校友為香港和國際社會所作的貢獻廣 獲認許,也為個人以至大學贏得眾多的獎譽。 我們的學生在學業和課外活動均表現出色,更在 公開比賽中屢獲佳績,深受社會各界讃賞。校園 不少新建設於今年竣工,很多舊設施亦給大規模 翻新及改良,為下個學年的各項大計做好準備。 諸如此類的成績,散見於本年報的其他章節。 under the new name of 'Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research'. The re invigorated centre would henceforth look after the organization of remedial workshops fo r teachers who seek to enhance their teaching skills. It would also prepare teachers for the introduction of new teaching methodologies, conduct research into ways of improving teaching and learning effectiveness, and provide consultancy services for curriculum reform. Its role is to help improve teaching and ensure learning quality in the University as a whole. And across the campus, schemes to recognize excellence in teaching were given new impetus at both the faculty and University levels, all trying to bring across the message that we value quality teaching, we appreciate the efforts of good teachers, and we shall reward their outstanding performance. In the area of research, we resolved in early 2001 that, irrespective of the frequenc y of assessments by the UGC, the University would conduct its own internal research assessment exercise once every three years t o monitor the progress of its research projects an d to gauge the performance of its researchers. The last internal assessmen t exercise was completed in 1999 and the next one wil l take place in 2002. Meantime the Research Grants Council visited our campus in June 2001, and spent two days touring our various research facilities, viewing posters of selected research projects, visiting individual departments, and talking to our teachers and research students. They were most impressed by the breadth and depth of our research activities and th e research culture and tradition on our campus. We are glad to see our efforts paying off nea r the year end, when the UGC announced its allocations to the local universities for the 2001-4 triennium. Although government funding was further reduced across the board, th e University was for the first time allocated the largest slice of the UGC block grant, an allocation that was based on our performance in teaching and research. We are also glad that the past year has demonstrated again the academic vigour of the University , and the rapid progress it is capable of achieving. The number of international conferences, academic symposia, and lectures by world- famous scholars has registered a record high. Our researchers have continued to achieve important breakthroughs in 6 校長報告 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW