Annual Report 2000–01

李國章校長在醫學院深造中心啟用典禮上講話 Prof. Arthur K. C. Li speaking at the opening ceremony of the Postgraduate Education Centre of the Faculty of Medicine 再 展 鴻 圖 我借此感謝各方友好和敎職同人的支持和努力; 我們都以中大為榮,亦體會到大學在新世紀的進 一步發展,實須依賴穩健的財政支持。過去五 年,我們小心經營,以靈活的單項預算和嚴謹的 管理效率檢討,確保公帑的一分一毫都用得其 所。我們又以謹慎的理財哲學和主動的投資策 略,去處理大學的收支。我們更積極游説善長繼 續支持大學的發展計劃,盡量發掘新的收入來 源。在這年度終結,我們已見到開源節流的成果 ——大學積聚了一些儲備,可以應付政府削減經 費及其他的不時之需,亦為未可預見的新機會 提供可用資源。 大學的往績和健全的財政狀況,都給予我們極大 信心,續於下一個三年撥款期大展鴻圖,於新 世紀繼續為人類創造新知,為香港建造更美好的 明天。 校 長 李 國 章 二零零一年七月卅一日 different subject disciplines and obtained more patents for their new inventions. The service of our staff members to the local and international community has consistently won recognition and honours for themselves and for th e University. Our students have fared well not only in academic studies but also in open competitions and extracurricular activities, winning the appreciation of many major employers. New buildings and facilities have been completed on the campus, and old ones have been renovated and upgraded on a large scale during the past year to equip the University for new commitments in a new century. All these accomplishments are reported in some detail in the rest of this annual report. Solid Base for Future Growth I take this opportunity t o thank all staff and benefactors for their individual and combine d efforts to make this university one that all of us are proud of. We fully realize howeve r that our ambitions for the 21st century require that we have a very sound financial base. Over the last five years, w e have striven to make the best possible use of the government funds we received through the adoption of one- line budgets and rigorous management efficiency reviews. We have adopted proactive investment strategies and exercised prudent management of the University's finances. We have also tried our best to solicit the support of generous donors and tap other sources of income for our academic programmes. And by the end of 2000-1, we are happy to have created and maintained a reasonable level of reserves, which can serve as a buffer against anticipated cuts in government allocations an d unforeseen circumstances, and allow some investment in new developments to enable the University to take full advantage of new opportunities that may come our way. Our track record and ou r healthy financial position give us full confidence as we marc h forward into the next triennium, with a determination to contribute our best to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of Hong Kong in the new century. Arthur ICC. Li Vice-Chancellor 31st July 2001 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 校長報告 7