Annual Report 2000–01

學術會議 上左圖:大學敎育資助委員會主席林李翹如博士 (中) 主持「二十一世紀中國數學的展望」國際研討會開幕禮 上右圖:來自世界各地學者出席歷史系、人文學科研究 所和崇基學院合辦的「濱海之城:上海、香港、新加坡 國際學術研討會」 下左圖︰立法會主席范徐麗泰女士 (右二)主持「第六屆 亞洲肝膽胰外科學會會議」的開幕儀式 下右圖:「社會學與轉變中的中國社會」研討會由社會 學系於二零零零年十一月三十日至十二月二日舉辦 Academic Conferences upper left: Dr. Alice Lam (middle), chair of the University Grants Committee, officiating at the opening ceremony of the international conference on 'Perspectives ofMathematical Research in China for the Twenty-first Century' Upper right: Scholars from around the world attending the International Conference on Maritime Cities: Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore, jointly organized by the Department ofH i s t o r y,the Research Institute for the Humanities, and Chung Chi College Lower left: The Honourable Mrs. Rita Fan (right 2), president of the Legislative Council, officiating at the opening ceremony of the Sixth Congress of the Asian Society ofHepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Lower right: International conference on 'Sociology and Chinese Society in Transition', organized by the Department of Sociology from 30th November to 2nd December 2000 ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT 學術發展 17