Annual Report 2000–01

文學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Arts •文學院為引發全球華人社群對文學的興趣,並推動廿一世紀青年文學而主辦的「第一屆新紀元全球華文青年文 學獎」,於二零零零年底結束。文學獎籌委會分別於二零零零年十二月十五及十六日舉辦「文學翻譯與創作 專題講座」和「新紀元全球華文青年文學獎頒獎典禮」,由來自世界各地的決審評判及各獎項得主,與文學愛好 者分享翻譯及創作的心得。 •文學院各學系於本年度舉辦重要學術會議共十四個: —「第一語言的敎與學——中學語文課程設計與敎學實踐」國際研討會(中國語言及文學系,二零零一年六月) —「中學中文科單元敎學的理念與實踐」工作坊(中國語言及文學系,二零零一年五月) 一「全球化、文化與英語敎育在中國和香港(特區)」學術研討會(英文系, 二零零一年三月) 一第二屆大學英語敎學會議(英語敎學單位,二零零一年六月 —「濱海之城:上海、香港、新加坡國際學術研討會」(歷史系,二零零一年三月) —「環境與文化」國際研討會(歷史系,二零零一年五月) 一「第五屆國際日本研究‧日語敎育研討會」(日本研究學系,二零零零年十一月) —「愛情與兩性」會議(現代語言及文化系,二零零一年二月) —「傳統與現代化:香港雲南兩地文化比較研討會」(現代語言及文化系, 二零零一年五月在雲南舉行) —暑期語言學工作坊(現代語言及文化系,二零零一年五月在雲南舉行) —「中國音樂研究在新世紀的定位」國際學術研討會(音樂系,二零零一年一月) —「時間、空間與文化」現象學國際學術會議(哲學系,二零零零年十一月) 一「宗敎、社會與區域文化」華南與西南硏究國際學術會議(宗敎系,二零零一年五月) 一「翻譯與資訊科技」國際會議(翻譯系,二零零零年十二月) •哲學系設立研究資料室,並開發軟件以建立網上運作的「香港中文大學哲學系敎學研究資料庫」,又為資料室 藏書製作電腦目錄,以加強敎學和硏究效能。 • The Global Youth Chinese Literary Award for the New Century , which was organized by the Faculty of Arts for the cultivation of interest in literatur e among Chinese communities al l over the world and the nurturing of young writers of the 21st Century, was successfully completed in December 2000. On 15t h and 16th December 2000, the Forum on Literary Translation and Creative Writing and the award presentation ceremony were respectively held. Award winners and adjudicators from different parts of the world gathered in Hong Kong to share their experienc e and insights in creative writing and translation with the audience. • Over a dozen academic conferences were organized or co-organized by different departments and units o f the Faculty: 一 International Conference o n First Language Teaching and Learning: Curriculum Design and Practice (June 2001, Department of Chinese Language an d Literature) —Wo r k s h op on Theory and Practice o f Module Teaching in the Subject of Chinese in Hong Kong Secondary Schools (May 2001, Department of Chinese Language and Literature) — International conference on 'Globalization, Culture and English Language Education in China and Hong Kong (SAR)' (March 2001, Department of English) — Second Regional Conference on College English Teaching (June 2001, English Language Teaching Unit) 18 學術發展 ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT