Annual Report 2000–01

• In line with the Faculty's strategy to internationalize and to increase the number of overseas exchange programmes, a new undergraduate student exchange programme was signed with the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. In addition to regular exchanges during the academic year, the BBA Study Abroad Programme was launched in May 2001 to provide undergraduates with the opportunity to spend a week in Beijing, Shanghai, Japan, or Singapore during summer. 左 圖 ︰ 酒 店 管 理 學 院 與 香 港 酒 店 業 協 會 合 辦 「 高 級 行 政 人 員 培 訓 課 程 」 Left: The Senior Executive Training Programme, jointly organized by the School of Hotel Management and the Hong Kong Hotels Association Right: Chinese Think Tanks Meeting: Three Chinese Economies 左圖︰「公司管治:加強香港競爭力」研討會 右圖︰「海外研修計劃」的學生到日本一家企業交流 Left: Symposium on 'Corporate Governance and Disclosure: Enhancing the Competitiveness ofHong Kong' Right: Students of the Study Abroad Programme visiting a corporation in Japan ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT 學術發展 21