Annual Report 2000–01

服務香港 放眼世界 service to hong kon g and the world 服 務 社 會 過去一年,不少中大成員以其專長服務社會, 參與多個海內外組織和學術機構的工作;他們或 出任委員會的正副主席或委員,或協助編輯學術 期刊,或擔任顧問。 中大成員對各地社會所作之貢獻,備受表揚,並 獲多項獎譽。 三名大學成員於二零零一年獲香港特別行政區 授勳:大學校董田北俊議員獲授金紫荊星章, 中醫學榮譽講座敎授胡秀英敎授獲銅紫荊星章, 訊息工程學系黃寶財敎授獲榮譽勳章。 李國章校長獲美國外科學院頒授榮譽院士銜。 國際著名物理學家、本校博文講座敎授楊振寧敎 授獲二零零一年費薩爾國王國際科學獎及敎宗若 望保祿二世頒發的 Academicum Pontifical 獎章。 Community Service In 2000-1, University faculty and staff continued to len d their expertise to many local and international organizations, serving these bodies in such capacities as chairpersons, presidents and vice-presidents, committee members, editorial board members, advisers, and consultants. Their dedicated service and significant contribution to the betterment of the local and international community won them many accolades. Three members of the University were on the Year 2001 Honours List of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. The Hon. James P.C. Tien, member of the University Council, was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star. Prof. Hu Shiu Ying, honorary professor of Chinese medicine, was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star, and Prof. Wong Po Choi of the Department of Information Engineering was awarded the Medal of Honour. Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, vice-chancellor, was conferred an honorary fellowship by the American College of Surgeons. World renowned physicist Prof. Yang Chen-ning, distinguished professor-at-large, was awarded the 2001 King Faisal International Prize for Science and the Academicum Pontifical Medal from His Holiness Pope John Paul II. Prof. P.C. Leung, head of New Asia College, was conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Social Sciences by The University of Hong Kong and awarded the Far Eastern Economic Review Silver Asia Innovation Award. Prof. Fan Jianging, professor of statistics, was awarded the Presidents' Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies for the year 2000, the highest honour in the international statistics community. Prof. Dennis Lo of the Department of Chemical Pathology was an awardee in the Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selectio n in 2000. 李國章校長(右)親領美國外科學院榮譽院士銜 Prof. Arthur K. C Li (right) receiving an honorary fellowship of the American College of Surgeons 46 服務香港 放眼世界 SERVICETO HONG KONG AND THE WORLD