Annual Report 2000–01

新亞書院院長梁秉中敎授獲香港大學頒授榮譽社 會科學博士學位及《遠東經濟評論》頒發「亞洲創 新科學獎」銀獎。統計學講座敎授范劍青敎授獲 國際統計學界最高榮譽的統計學會會長聯合委員 會的會長獎。化學病理學系盧煜明敎授獲選為二 零零零年度香港十大傑出青年之一。 推 廣 文 化 藝 術 中文大學及其成員書院經常舉辦傑出學人訪問 計劃,邀請世界知名學者蒞校,主持公開講座及 研討會,促進學術交流。過去一年,在中大發表 演説的著名專家學者有諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健 先生、農業科學家袁隆平敎授、文學翻譯名家 許淵沖敎授、歷史學家杜維明敎授、基層醫療專 家 Prof. Barbara Starfield、 經濟學家 Prof. Orley Ashenfelter、 哲學家勞思光敎授、政治學家 Prof. Richard Rose 和英國外交及聯邦事務部國務大臣 Mr. John Battle 等。 大學文物館每年舉辦多項展覽,並輔以研討會、 講座、刊物等,增進社會人士對文物藝術的認識 和欣賞。 今年文物館與北京大學圖書館合辦「中國古代碑 帖拓本」展覽,展出兩館珍藏碑帖拓本。該展覽 先後在文物館及北京大學圖書館展出,並在京港 兩地分別舉辦國際研討會,中外學者踊躍出席, 極一時之盛。文物館又應澳門臨時市政局邀請, 借出黃士陵書畫印章十餘項,於澳門「看似尋 常最奇崛 i :黃士陵書畫篆刻展覽」展出。 該館又經常獲得各界熱心人士捐贈和贊助,藏品 年有遞增,今年特別舉辦「畫舫藏珍——紀念黃 兆鎮、黃秉章先生捐贈展」及「新增藏品展」, 展品即為黃家、李俠文先生及北山堂之慷慨惠 贈。該館另蒙本港多位收藏家借出珍藏,舉辦了 「虹影瑤輝:李景勳藏清代玻璃」、「五色琉璃: 關氏所藏中國古代玻璃」及「中國古代金飾」專題 展覽,更舉辦相關的公開講座及出版展覽圖錄。 Promotion of Art and Culture Each year the University and its constituen t colleges organize a variety of distinguished professorship/fellowship schemes which bring outstanding scholars the worl d over to the campus. The public lectures and seminars the y give invigorate the intellectual community of Hong Kong and generate beneficial academic exchanges. Prominent visitors during 2000-1 included Nobel laureate in literature Mr. Gao Xingjian, agricultural scientist Prof. Yuan Longping, distinguished literary translator Prof. Xu Yuanchong, historian Prof. Tu Weiming, expert in primary health care Prof. Barbara Starfield, economist Prof. Orley Ashenfelter, philosopher Prof. Lao Sze Kwang, politics and public policy scholar Prof. Richard Rose, and Minister of State at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Mr. John Battle. The Art Museum of the University continued to contribute to the cultural life of Hong Kong by promotin g the appreciation of Chinese art through its exhibitions, publications, talks, and seminars. This year the Art Museum co-organized with the Peking University Library an exhibition entitled 'Ancient Chinese Calligraphic Rubbings'. With exhibits drawn from the collections of both institutions, the exhibition travelled to Beijing after its showing in Hong Kong. Two concurrent international symposia, held at th e respective venues, 楊振寧敎授(左一)領取二零零一年費薩爾國王國際科學獎 Prof. Yang Chen-ning (left 1) receiving, the 2001 King Faisal International Prize for Science Mr. John Battle 高行健先生 Mr. Gao Xingjian 袁隆平敎授 Prof. Yuan Longping SERVICE T O H O N G K O N G A N D T H E W O R L D 服 務 香 港 放 眼 世 界 4 7