Annual Report 2000–01

教職員培訓及發展 大學向來重視職員的培訓和發展,以配合新的工 作需要和締造更佳的晉升機會。今年各項培訓及 發展計劃概況如下: •敎職員進修計劃:六名敎師及行政人員獲大 學或校外基金給予獎助學金或特別假期, 在本港或海外專上院校進修、受訓或開展研 究工作。 •暑期海外硏究工作特別補助金:大學撥出七 十五萬五千港元,資助三十四項計劃,供敎 師於二零零一年夏季前往海外從事硏究工 作。 •會議補助金:大學提供津貼予三百八十五名 成功申請者,於本港及海外出席學術和專業 會議。 •進修津貼:各學系及行政部門均獲分配員工 培訓及發展預算,以提高僱員的工作技能和 知識。成功申請者可獲資助參加業務硏討 會、工作坊及培訓課程。 •校內培訓計劃:人事處員工培訓及發展組為 一千零九十七名僱員舉辦各類工作技巧訓練 課程,包括為管理級僱員組織各類督導及 管理技巧工作坊、為前線員工安排顧客服務 staff Training and Development To encourage staff members to enhanc e their knowledge and skills so that they can cope with new job demands and improve their career prospects, the University continued to provide them with various training and development opportunities in 2000-1. • Staff development programmes and grants: six teaching and administrative staff members received support from the University or external sources in the form of scholarships, fellowships, special grants, or training leave to further their studies, training, and research at local and overseas institutions o f higher learning. • Special grants for conducting research abroad during summer: grants amounting to HK$755,000 were approved by the University for 34 applications from teachers to carry out quality researc h outside Hong Kong in the summer of 2001. • Conference grants : financial assistance was given to 385 successful applicants to attend academic and professional conferences in Hong Kon g and overseas. • Reimbursement of training and development expenses : departments and administrative units were allocated their own staff training budgets. Reimbursements were made from these budgets to successful applicant s to cover the cost of attending seminars, workshops, and courses for training and development purposes. • Internal training programmes: the Staff Training and Development Unit of the Personnel Office organized internal training programmes on various job skills for 1,097 staff members. These include d various supervisory and management skills workshops. for supervisory and executive staff, customer service skills workshops for frontline staff, and orientation programmes for newly appointed staff. The Information Technology Services Centre offered computer application training for 1,151 staff members through lectures, hands-on workshops, on-line training, and other self-learning courses. The Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research STAFF 敎職員 53