Annual Report 2000–01

津貼及傢俱津貼,以及調整年假的計算方法。另 外,新入職僱員的度假旅費(適用於薪金等同於 政府首長薪級之大學僱員)亦會以非實報實銷的 現金津貼形式發放。 大學的額外門診服務計劃,補助僱員到特約診所 看病,深受歡迎。校方決定延續此計劃三年,至 二零零四年六月三十日。 今年校方又推出助理主任調職計劃,以加強該職 系員工對其他部門的認識,擴闊他們工作上的接 觸面。此計劃適用於二零零一年七月一日起入職 的助理主任,現職助理主任亦可自願參加。 With a view to aligning the University's fringe benefits package with that of the civil service, the University decided to adopt a revised package for new staff wit h effect from 1 st January 2002. Under the new package, some old forms of allowances such as children's education allowance, monthly travel allowance, furniture and domestic appliances allowance would be abolished. The annual leave entitlement for University appointees wa s also revised to bring it to par with that for civil servants. Th e provision of leave passage for senior staff would henceforth take the form of a non-accountable cash allowance. The Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme, under which additional outpatient services are provided at subsidized charges at designated clinics under contract with the University, was scheduled to end on 30th June 2001 . Since the scheme was well received by staff members, the University decided to extend it for a further perio d of three years for eligible staff members and their dependants. The University also decided to introduce a Posting Scheme for Executive Officers so as to provide mor e opportunities for them to gain wider exposure as generalists and to understand better the operation and needs of different departments and units. The scheme would cover newly appointed executive officer s whose appointments started on or after 1st July 2001. Serving executive officers were also invited to join the scheme on a voluntary basis. STAFF 敎職員 55