Annual Report 2000–01

頒授學士學位數目 Number of First Degrees Awarded 2000-2001 1966-2001 文學士 BA 365 9,912 工商管理學士 BBA 495 9,276 敎育學士 B.Ed. 83 1,273 工程學士 B.Eng. 357 3,110 內外全科醫學士 M.B.,Ch.B. 152 1,821 醫學科學學士 B.Med.Sc. 8 65 護理學士 B.Nurs. 78 726 藥劑學士 B.Pharm. 32 211 理學士 B.Sc. 546 10,977 社會科學學士 B.S.Sc. 534 11,989 總數 Total 2,650 49,360 頒授高級學位及文憑數目 Number of Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas Awarded 2000-2001 1966-2001 博士學位 Doctoral degrees 125 709 碩士學位 Master's degrees 1,362 9,582 文憑 Diplomas 689 10,757 總數 Total 2,176 21,048 學生活動 大學學生會、各成員書院學生會,以及二百多 個院會、系會及屬會,於二零零零至二零零一年 度舉辦了許多課外活動,包括文娛康樂節目、 體育活動和社會服務。透過參與這些活動,學生 可培養領導和組織能力,增強自信,使校園生 活更為充實。 中大學生在眾多活動項目及比賽中,表現出色, 計有社會學系黎穎瑜贏取二零零零年度羅德獎學 Student Activities During 2000-1, a wide range of extracurricular activities were organized through the University student union, the four college student unions, over 200 faculty and departmental societies, and other student affiliated clubs. The activities were instrumental in enhancing students' intellectual growth, strengthing their self-esteem, and enriching campus life. Students performed well in various activities and competitions. Ms. Lai Wing Yu, Jade, a sociolog y student, 58 學生及校友 STUDENTS AND ALUMNI