Annual Report 2000–01

金;中大粵語辯論隊在兩大辯論賽中力壓港大奪 冠’繼而在全港大專辯論賽中再下一城,並獲 最佳辯論員獎;英語辯論隊奪得兩大辯論賽的冠 軍;國語辯論隊在香港電台主辦的大專普通話辯 論賽中得到亞軍。中大划艇隊在一年一度的大 專划艇賽中取得七金三銀一銅的佳績,並成為全 場總冠軍。中大學生在大專盃跆拳道賽獲兩冠五 季。球類方面,籃球隊遠征福建,參加「兩岸四 地六校大學生籃球賽」,與全國男藍大專冠亞軍 隊伍切磋,獲第四名。 位於崇基校園的李慧珍樓及校本部的文化廣場 是年度相繼落成啟用,為學生活動提供更多場地 及更佳設施。 was awarded the Rhodes Scholarship 2000 to further her studies at Oxford. For the University debating teams, 2000-1 was a fruitful year. The Cantonese Debating Team won the Intervarsity Debating Contest and the Post-secondary College Debate Competition, capturing also the title of the best debater. The Mandarin Debating Team was the first runner-up in the Post-secondary College Mandarin Debat e Competition organized by Radio Television Hong Kong. The English Debating Team also captured the championship in the Intervarsity Debating Contest. In sports, the University's rowin g team was the overall champion in the Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championship 2000, winning seven gold medals, three silver medals, and one bronze medal. In the Post-secondary College Cup Taekwondo Competition, CUHK students won 勝利風采︰中大粤語辯論隊掄元(上圖); 中大划艇隊(中圖)屢奪冠軍; 中大越野隊(下圖)奪得第十四屆 大 專 越 野 賽 女 子 組 冠 軍 。 We are the Champion: CUHK Cantonese Debating Team (top) outdo their counterparts from HKU; CUHK Rowing Team (middle) capture seven championship titles during the year; the CUHK women's team (bottom) are the overall champion in the 14th Post Secondary Colleges Cross-Country Competition 建築學系碩士生(左二起)陳智翔、 陳維正、施琪珊及許美玲奪得日本主 辦的二零零零年「國際『薄膜』建築 設計比賽」冠軍 (From left 2) Alex Chan, Billy Chan, Ida Sze, and Florence Hui, four Master of Architecture students, winning the first prize in the 15th Membrane Design Competition 2000 held in Tokyo, Japan STUDENTS AND ALUMNI 學生及校友 59