Annual Report 2000–01

上圖:中大評議會代表殷巧兒女士 (左 一) 和汪長智博士 (右一)致贈儀器予 醫學院,由李國章校長 (左二) 和鍾尚 志 院 長 ( 右 二 ) 代 表 接 受 。 下圖︰聯合書院學長計劃成立酒會 upper: Ms. Una Yan (left 1) and Dr. Wang Cheung Tze (right 1) representing the CUHK Convocation to present new medical equipment to Prof, Arthur K, C. Li (left 2), vice-chancellor, and Prof. Sydney Chung (right 2), dean of medicine Lower: The opening ceremony of the United College Mentor Programme 校友 本校自成立以來,共培育了七萬多名畢業生, 遍布各行各業。多位中大校友更因其傑出成就或 卓越服務,於今年獲香港特區授勳,以表揚他們 對社會的貢獻(見附表)。 另外,不少校友經常以其專業知識和實務經驗協 助母校發展,他們除參與校內各類諮詢委員會 工作外,也有出任大學和書院校董,並應邀主持 專業講座。年內三所書院先後推出學長計劃,迅 即獲得很多校友的積極參與,擔任學長,與學弟 學妹分享他們的人生經驗和工作心得。中大校友 亦經常捐款支持大學、書院及學系的發展。他們 對「中大發展基金」的慷 慨捐輸,為大學日常活動 和特別項目提供穩定的 資金來源。 目前中大校友會接近六十 個,網絡遍及全世界, 與母校保持緊密聯繫。本 地校友更經常關注本港和 內地的社會及敎育事務。 由中大全體畢業生組成 的「中大評議會」,今年曾就特首施政報告中有關 敎育改革及扶貧措施兩部分,發表意見書。「香 港中文大學校友會聯會敎育基金會有限公司」 則續在本港建校興學,除已開設的幼稚園和小學 各一間及中學兩間外,現已獲准增辦一間幼稚 園。此外,該基金會又致力籌款支持內地貧困地 區發展小學敎育,除安排個別校友捐款資助學 童的學費和書簿費,更籌得資金,在內地增建兩 間中大校友會小學。至今為止,基金會已在內地 興辦了十間學校,反映中大校友對敎育下一代 的關注之情。 Alumni The graduation of the year 2001 class brought the total number of the University's alumni to over 70,000, These alumni are now working in differen t professions and trades, and their outstanding achievements and distinguishe d services to Hong Kong have been widely recognized . Many of them have been included on the Hong Kong SAR Government's 2001 Honours List (see box for details). Other alumni have lent their professional expertise to the development of their alma mater through involvement in the work of the University Council, College Boards of Trustees, and various advisory committees, or by giving talks and seminars to staff and students. The mentor programmes introduced by the colleges i n recent years have also attracted the active participation of many alumni who generously share their wealth of experience with the younger generation of students. The alumn i community also make frequent donations to support new developments in the University and the colleges; their contribution to the Chinese University of Hong Kong General Endowment Fund has helped finance many recurrent activities and special projects. By the end of 2000-1, a world-wide network of about 60 alumni associations has been established, fostering close interaction between the University and its graduates, man y of whom are deeply concerned about social and educational issues. The CUHK Convocation, with al l graduates as its members, submitted two opinion papers respectivel y on 'Education Reform' and 'Helping the Poor and the Needy' in response to the 200 0 Policy Address of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR. In addition to running a kindergarten, a primary school, and two secondary schools in Hong Kong, the Education Foundation of the Federation of CUHK Alumni Associations also gained government approval for opening another kindergarten next year. It also persisted in its efforts to raise funds for supporting the cause of education in poverty-stricken areas on the mainland. Apart from soliciting alumni donations to sponsor books and tuition fees for individual school children, the Foundation secured funding for establishing two mor e schools in mainland China, bringing the tota l number of such schools to 10. 64 學生及校友 STUDENTS AND ALUMNI