Annual Report 2000–01

名列二零零一年香港特別行政區授勳及嘉獎名單的中大校友 CUHK Alumni on the 2001 HKSAR Honours List 銅紫荊星章 BronzeBauh i n iaStar 立法會議員、香島中學校長及香港敎育工作者聯會會長楊耀忠議員 The Hon. Yeung Yiu-chung, Member of the Legislative Council, Principal of Heung To Middle School and President of Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers 前政府化驗師陳志堅先生 Mr. Chan Chi-kin, former Government Chemist 伊利沙伯中學舊生會中學校長麥陳尹玲女士 Mrs. Mak Chen Wen-ning, Josephine, Principal of Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School 紀律部隊及廉政公署卓越/榮譽獎章 Distinguished Service Medals /Meritorious Service Medals for Disciplined Services and the Independent Commission Against Corruption 廉政公署助處長陳德成先生 Mr. Chan Tak-shing, Gilbert, Assistant Director of ICAC 警務處高級警司黃錫鵬先生 Mr. Wong Sak-pang, Senior Superintendent of the Hong Kong Police Force 榮譽勳章 Medal of Honour 民政事務總署總聯絡主任宋智培先生 Mr. Sung Chi-pui, Chief Liaison Officer of the Home Affairs Department 浸信會天虹小學敎師梁步青先生 Mr. Leung Po-ching, teacher of Baptist Rainbow Primary School 福建中學(北角)校長曾安琪女士 Ms. Angela Tsang, Principal of Fukien Middle School (North Point) 香港中文大學「香港學校網絡」總監及訊息工程學系副敎授黃寶財敎授 Prof. Wong Po-choi, Director of Hong Kong School Net and Associate Professor of the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK 佛敎慧因法師紀念中學校長歐陽崇勳先生 Mr. Au Yeung Sung-fan, Principal of Buddhist Wai Yan Memorial College 沙田區議會委任議員及騰訊科技亞太有限公司董事總經理盧偉國博士 Dr. Lo Wai-kwok, Appointed Member of Sha Tin District Council and Managing Director of Artesyn Technologies Asia-Pacific Ltd. 行 政 長 官 社 區 服 務 獎 狀 Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service 東華三院張明添中學校長周耀榮先生 Mr. Chow Yiu-wing, Principal of TWGHs Chan g Ming Thien College 德貞女子中學校長黃美美修女 Sister Wong May-may, Principal of Tack Ching Girls' Middle School 傷殘人士田徑敎練潘健侶先生 Mr. Poon Kin-lui, athletics coach for disabled sport 衛理中學校長羅世光先生 Mr. Lo Sai-kwong, Principal of Wesle y College STUDENTS AND ALUMNI 學生及校友 65