Annual Report 2000–01

校外進修學院院長李仕權先生 (右) 與澳洲臥龍崗大學副 校 長 P r o f .Rob Castle (右)簽訂備忘錄後,互相祝賀。兩 校將在香港合辦「多元文化新聞學學士後證書課程」。 Mr. Victor Lee (right), director of the School of Continuing Studies, and Prof. Rob Castle (left), pro-vice-chancellor (academic) of the University of Wollongong, congratulating each other after signing the memorandum of understanding to offer a Graduate Certificate Programme in Multicultural Journalism for Hong Kong workforce 經費及所核定的資助學額有限,校方須以自資 方式開辦該等課程。今年新推出的十六項高級學 位課程之中,就有十三項屬自資開辦,是自一九 九五年該類課程設立以來的最高紀錄。截至二零 零一年七月,我們共開辦自資或部分自資課程 達三十七項,供有志取得高等學位的人士修讀。 另有十項自資課程,將於下學年推出。 大學其他單位如亞太工商硏究所等,則繼續為不 同行業的行政及管理人員開辦證書及文憑課程, 以提供持續進修和深造途徑,讓學員不斷更新專 業技能。 校方將會仔細考慮其他可行方案,以及如何與 其他敎育團體合作,為社會大眾提供更多的終身 學習和持續進修機會。 應付廿一世紀的需要 終身學習之餘,香港的大學生還需要怎樣的磨練 和經驗,才可以適應不斷轉變的後現代社會呢? a major revamping of the School's curriculum, a total of 24 new award-bearing programmes were introduced during the y e a r , bringing the total number of such programmes to 84, benefiting some 12,000 working adults seeking to upgrade their knowledge and skills in the face of the restructuring of the local economy. Its 219 distance education courses also represented a 21 per cent increase over the 1999-2000 figure. Within the University itself, the need for a significant increase in the number of taught postgraduat e students was also felt. To circumvent insufficient funding and inadequate student quota from the University Grants Committee (UGC), more and more self-financed programmes were introduced. Of the 16 new postgraduate programmes launched during the year, 13 were self-financed, which was a record number since the 1995-8 triennium. At the conclusion of 2000-1, a total of 37 self-financed or partially self-financed programmes were open t o those aspiring after a second degree. And 10 more were in the pipeline for introduction in 2001-2. And then other units like the Asia-Pacific Institut e of Business were encouraged to offer more self-sustaining diploma and certificate programmes for executives and managers from various sectors of the economy and to explore new modes of professional retraining to update their skills. The creation of more opportunities for Hong Kong students to receive higher education and to pursue lifelong l earning will continue to be a major commitment of the University, and careful consideration will be given t o the best ways of achieving such an objective and how responsibilities should be shared among different types of educational institutions, Skills for the 21st Century Lifelong education aside, what kinds of skills and experiences are most useful for students in this postmodern age and a fast-changing world? One major endeavour during the year was to reinforce the element VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 校長報告 3