Annual Report 2000–01

中國科學院研究生院代表團於二零零零年十 一月十七日來校訪問,與敎務長何文匯敎授 (左四)合照。 Delegates of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences visiting the University on 17th November 2000 and posing with Prof. Richard Ho (left 4), University Registrar 今年我們致力加強課程的國際特色,以配合全球 一體化的大趨勢。全球化意味著我們的學生畢 業 後可能受聘於跨國機構,要在世界不同的地方 工作;僱主則越來越重視員工的國際經驗、靈活 性,以及對不同文化的認識。要讓學生具備這些 特質,使他們認識真實世界如何運作,我們全 面擴大了交流網絡,提供更多海外學習和生活的 機會,又增加招收海外學生的名額,讓香港學生 得以與來自不同文化背景的同學相處。我們的 亞洲課程經全面檢討後,亦開放更多的亞洲語文 及文化科目,供海外學生選修。 所以,今年的學生交流活動極為篷勃,我們與更 多的地區和學府建立了聯繫,外出和來訪的交 換生人數也有顯著的升幅。 另外,我們的學生輔導及發展服務也不斷增強, 以培養學生具備新經濟所強調的機靈、適應力 和獨創性。我們每年都會為新生舉辦各式的活動 和工作坊,宣傳精神健康的重要,敎導他們掌握 學習和管理時間的技巧、自我減壓和舒緩焦慮 的方法,以及建立自信的竅門。今年我們更於暑 假之前安排一系列的講座和新課程,讓交換生於 出發前先認識東道國的社會、經濟和文化背景, 學習有關的社交禮儀和日常用語,以方便學習 和交流。中國即將成為世界貿易組織的成員, of internationalism in the academic curriculum, so that students could be better equipped for a globalized world. Globalization means they may have to operate in different countries after graduation and be employed by transnationa l companies. Employers are increasingly looking for versatility, international exposure, and a sensitivity to cultural differences. To nurture such qualities and to prepare students for the realities of the world, the University stepped up efforts to expand student exchange programmes to provide more opportunities of overseas study and international exposure. Plans to admit more overseas students were also formulated so that local students could benefit from increased interactio n with young people from other cultures. The International Asian Studies Programme underwent a major revision at the same time, in order that students from overseas can have greater access to courses in Chinese language and Asian cultures. The past year has therefore witnessed a flowering of student exchange programmes signed with universities in different parts of the world and a marked increase in the number of both incoming and outgoing exchange students. The University also enhanced its student counselling and development services to cultivate greater flexibility, ingenuity, and adaptability — faculties tha t have gained ascendency in a new economy. There were annual campaigns to promote mental health among the freshmen and workshops to teach them time management skills, study skills, and ways of reducing anxiety, handling stress, and building self- confidence. New elements introduced during the year included pre-summer programmes to prepare students for overseas exchange and internship. Students were introduced to the social, economic, and cultural background s of the places of visit through talks and experience-sharing sessions. They also learned useful social etiquette in class and picked up new dialects in crash courses before they set off. With the imminent accession of China to the World Trade Organization, career development programmes organized for our students on the mainland have been gaining increasing popularity in particular. On another front, apart from requiring all new students to achieve a reasonable level of IT proficiency before they graduate, the University encouraged the introduction of more intercultural and interdisciplinary programmes to broaden 4 校長報告 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW