Annual Report 2000–01

教學輔助設施 academi c suppor t facilities 圖書館服務 今年是大學圖書館系統繁忙的一年,前任館長 黎民頌博士於二零零零年七月榮休,新任館長 施達理博士於同年十月十六日履新,多項改建工 程和調配藏書的工作也一一展開,多項新服務 亦陸續推出。館方購置了多種電子資源,使全文 電子期刊及資料庫種類增至一萬三千;又裝置替 代伺服器,方便讀者遙距查閲館藏。而為了使 讀者更明瞭圖書館的服務,館方今年舉辦了「電 子資訊日」,統籌了一百六十多個講座和多個書 籍展覽,又出版了圖書館通訊電子雙月刊及圖 書館手冊。 搬遷和改建 地方不足是圖書館系統的長期困擾。 二零零零年夏,由於有部門遷離田家 炳樓,校方遂把騰空的兩層分配予 圖書館系統,舒緩了擠逼情況。圖書 館系統的行政辦公室和資訊組相繼遷 往田家炳樓七樓,而善本室、香港研 究特藏和楊振寧檔案室則遷往三樓。 圖書館也獲准將大學圖書館天台與田 家炳樓接連的部分,改建為閲覽區。 位於聯合校園的圖書館已改裝為一 所全科多媒體圖書館,並易名為「聯 合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館」,原位於 大學圖書館的視聽資料部於二零零一 年五月遷往該處,而該館的法律類 (分類號 K) 書籍期刊則全部遷往大學 聯 合 書 院 胡 忠 多 媒 體 圖 書 館 United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library Library Services The year 2000-1 was very eventful for the University Library System. Dr. Michael Lee retired in July 2000, and Dr. Colin Storey assumed office as the new University Librarian on 16th October 2000. Strategic renovation and relocation of facilities and offices were planned and implemented. Various new services were introduced. Significant ne w electronic resources were purchased for users of the University libraries, who could now gai n access to more than 13,000 full text electronic journals and resources. A library proxy server service was introduce d to facilitate remote access. To make users more aware of the services and resources available, an E-resources Day was organized in addition to over 160 library seminars and book exhibitions, and an online bi-monthly newsletter and a library handbook were published. Strategic Moves an d Renovations The shortage of space has always been an acute problem in the libraries. In the summer of 2000, two floors of the Tin Ka Ping Building vacated by other units were allocated to the University Library System to alleviate the problem. The Library Administration Office and the Automation Team were moved to the seventh floor of the building while the Rare Books Collection, the Hong Kong Studies Collection, and the C.N. Yang Archive were re-housed on the third floor. The library was also given permission to convert the roof area between the University Library and Tin Ka Ping Building into a brand new reading area. United College Library became an all-subject multimedia library and was renamed the United Colleg e Wu Chung Multimedia Library. The Audiovisual Collection, originally housed in the University Library, was move d to this college library in May 2001. In the opposite direction, books and 66 敎學輔助設施 ACADEMIC SUPPORT FACILITIES