Annual Report 2000–01

資 訊 科 技 服 務 加強資訊科技基建 校園主幹網絡的覆蓋範圍及功能於年內進一步 擴大,以應付各類設施和活動不斷增加的需要。 校方在林蔭大道、各運動場和食堂等多個繁忙地 點安裝了無線網絡設備,又在課室和圖書館閲讀 室增設了三百個固定連接點,專供校內師生使 用,並使敎室網絡的連接點增至六百餘個。至於 設於學生宿舍的連接點則有五千多個,而校園主 幹網仍將繼續向校園東廓擴展,以覆蓋校內每一 個角落。 隨著校內網絡應用日趨頻繁,資訊保安備受關 注。資訊科技服務處今年獲校方劃撥資源,在校 園網絡、中央系統、主要伺服器,以及部門的個 人電腦上加裝了防火牆、網絡埠掃描器、入侵偵 測系統及抗電腦病毒系統等保安設施。 促進網上敎學和技能訓練 中大的網上敎學平台推出之後,已有約七百五十 個科目利用平台的各種功能,進行網上討論、 輔導、測驗,以至呈交作業、評估學習進度和分 發筆記,大大加強了師生之間和學生之間的互動 交流。為了鼓勵更有效和更富創意的網上敎學, 大學設立了基金支援敎師開發科目軟件,並將 先行者組織起來,方便他們交流心得。 為進一步提高行政人員使用資訊科技的能 力,培訓課程的內容和授課媒介都有所改 進。辦公室自動化計劃推出了有關網絡應用 技術的課程,例如網頁設計和管理、圖像 設計等。部分課程亦已採用網上授課形式。 提升行政效率 在提升大學行政效率方面,資訊科技繼續擔 當重要角色。二零零零年八月,敎務處以電 Information Technology Services I T I n f r a s t r u c t u re En h a n c eme n t To cope with the rapid expansion of facilities and activities on campus, the physical span and function of th e campus backbone network were substantially extended during the year. Wireless network access mechanism was implemented at a dozen busy zone s such as the University Mall, the sports fields, and the canteens. Some 300 fixed connection points were added in the classrooms and library reading rooms, bringing the total number of ClassNet outlets for teachers and students to over 600 . Together with over 5,000 connection points at the hostels and on-going backbone extension to the eastern campus, the campus network was just a step from ubiquity. The proliferation of and increased dependence on network applications called for the stepping up of information security measures. Protection facilities, such as firewalls, network port scanners, intrusion detection system s and antivirus systems, were funded centrall y and deployed at different levels —the campus network central servers, critical systems, and desktop computers. Tea c h i ng a nd T r a i n i ng w i t h I T With the implementation and wide adoption of the web- based teaching and learning platforms, some 750 courses were able to make use of powerful functions such as discussion forums, online tutorials and quizzes, assignment submission, progress tracking and assessment , as well as course notes distribution to facilitate teacher-student and student-student interactions. To encourage more effective and creative use of IT in teaching and l earning, a grant was centrally established to help teachers develop courseware, and a group was formed among pioneering teaching staff for experience sharing. To develop the IT competence of administrative staff, both the content of training courses and the medium o f instruction were improved. Courses in network application s such as web content creation and management and graphic design were added to the office automation package offerings. Some such courses could be taken over the campus network. 7 0 敎學輔助設施 ACADEMIC SUPPORT FACILITIES