Annual Report 2000–01

子選課系統取代了人手選課的程序,既方便了學 生,也節省了行政部門不少人力物力。因應強積 金法例的要求,新開發的強制性公積金系統已於 二零零零年十二月投入服務,並與原有的人事管 理和薪金及公積金系統整合。 「中大通」多功能智能卡身分證的用途亦不斷增 加,員生可憑證在大學圖書館、宿舍和體育館等 作核實身分和付款用途。資訊科技服務處亦因 應大學管理效率專責小組的建議,為多個行政單 位開發配套系統。 I m p r o v i ng A dm i n i s t r a t i ve E f f i c i en cy w i t h I T IT continued to play a crucial role in improving administrative efficiency. Th e Electronic Course Registration system deployed for the Registry in August 2000 provided great convenience to the students and reduced manpower for data collection and input. Integrated with the existing University Personnel and Payroll System and the Superannuation Scheme Administration System, the new Mandatory Provident Fund System was developed and deployed for the Personnel Office and the Bursary in December 2000 to comply with the legislation concerned. Capitalizing on the multi-function smart card technology, which was adopted for the University identity card, applications for physical access control and cash payment were implemented in places such as the University libraries, the hostels, and the Physical Education Unit. Several new administrative systems were also being developed for relevant units upon the recommendations of the Task Force on Management Efficiency. ACADEMIC SUPPORT FACILITIES 敎學輔助設施 71