Annual Report 2001–02
傑出研究計劃 Outstanding Research Project 敎育學院 F a c u l t y o f E d u c a t i o n 家長參與子女教育:探索有效的參與模式 Parental Involvement in Children's Education: What Works and How Does it Work? 敎育行政與政策學系何瑞珠敎授一九九六年獲優質敎育基 金贊助,展開家長參與子女敎育的硏究,帶動香港的敎師 和家長探索「家校合作」的理論與實踐。其硏究重點是家 校合作所動員的人力資本、社會資本和經濟資本。結果顯 示,在家校合作的過程中,不同形式的社會資本會從而產 生,顯著促進學生的學習效能和在校表現。可是,對於學 校、敎師和家長如何理解家校合作的意義和成效,以及不 同形式的家長參與對學生的成就和社會發展有何影響,尚 待進一步探究。 何敎授在二零零一年獲硏究資助局撥款,開展名為「家長 參與子女敎育:探索有效的參與模式」的跟進硏究,以了 解家長參與子女敎育的多樣性,並透過觀察和深入訪問三 間學校的校長、敎師、家長和學生,剖析各種家長參與模 式的形成和影響,從而建立初步的理論架構。下一步是開 展大型的全港調查,全面探討有效的家長參與模式的具體 情況。 In 1996, Prof. Esther Ho Sui-chu of the Department of Educational Administration and Policy began a study of parental involvement in children's education in the local context with sponsorship from the Quality Education Fund. The project aimed at introducing the theories and practice of home-school cooperation to teachers and parents. The focus of her study was the mobilization of human capital, social capital, and economic capital in parental involvement. Findings indicated that different forms of social capital could be created, which would have significant impact on students' learning outcomes and the school's performance as a whole. Little was found out, however, about how schools, teachers, and parents understood the meaning and value of parental involvement; nor were the diverse forms of parental involvement in schools adequately profiled and accounted for. A follow-up study began in 2001 with a research grant from the RGC to investigate the complexity of parental involvement through a series of ethnographic case studies, and to conduct a multilevel and longitudinal survey to identify patterns and causal relationships that explain how parental involvement works in primary schools. Field observations and interviews with various informants, including school principals, teachers, parents and students, will be conducted to construct a theoretical map for explaining the variations in the form and substance of parental involvement. A large-scale survey study will then be carried out in the next phase of the investigation to test this theoretical map.
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