Annual Report 2001–02

學簽訂學術合作協議,讓合資格的副學士學位課程 畢業生到懷卡托大學攻讀本科學位課程。 該院於二零零二年中在中環美國銀行中心新設了敎 學中心,為學生提供更佳的敎學設施。 支援工商業 本校亞太工商硏究所致力提供培訓、硏究及顧問服 務,以加強本地工商管理人員的實力,應付經濟快 速轉型的挑戰。是年該所除與美國多所著名學府合 辦高級行政人員培訓課程外,並積極為本地及內地 企業舉辦培訓班、工作坊和硏討會,又開辦七項文 憑課程和一項商業傳意證書課程,供市民修讀。該 所亦為本港數間大企業主辦一系列的會計、財務策 劃、管理及市場營銷等證書及文憑課程。 另外,設於校園東區的香港生物科技硏究院有限公 司自一九八八年成立以來,一直致力推動香港的生 物科技工業發展,並為業界提供基礎設施。 universities in the US. In-company training workshops and seminars for local and mainland companies were also conducted. A total of seven public diploma programmes and one certificate programme in business communication were offered. A series of certification programmes in accounting, financial planning, management, and marketing were organized for several major corporations in Hong Kong. On another front, the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Limited (HKIB), founded in 1988, has all along dedicated itself to providing the catalyst and essential infrastructure for the development of Hong Kong's biotechnology industry. 生物科技研究院的先進研究設施 Advanced research facilities at HKIB s e r v i c e t o h o n g k o n g a n d t h e w o r l d 服務香港 放眼世界 55