Annual Report 2001–02

教職員 Staff 教職員人數 二零零一至二零零二年度,大學敎職員總人數為 四千九百六十九人,較去年增加百分之四點九,新 增的主要為硏究人員。 敎學人員有九百九十人,其中三分之一聘自海外各 地。七成敎師的年齡介乎三十至五十歲之間。 Staff Population The University's staff population increased by 4.9 per cent to 4,969 in 2001-2. Most of the new staff members recruited during the year were research staff. There were a total of 990 teaching staff members, about a third of wh om were recruited from outside Hong Kong, and about 70 per cent were aged between 30 and 50. 二零零一至二零零二年全職敎職員職别/職級分布圖 Distribution of Full-time Staff by Job Types/Grades 2001-2002 教職員 STAFF 56