Annual Report 2001–02

得的資助額,是本地大學之冠,充分顯示中大在敎 硏方面的優異表現。這六年當中,共有四名中大學 生獲選為香港區的羅德學人;其他中大生也在多項 國際或本地的比賽和課外活動中得到驕人的成績。 我們不但加強了與各地卓越學術中心的聯繫,把交 流網絡擴展至歐洲大陸和新西蘭,更致力促進校 園電腦化,全面把資訊科技應用於敎學、硏究和行 政。這個學年結束之際,我們見到的中大,是生意 盎然的學術重鎮,享有充分的自主,成本效益和管 理效率之佳更屢獲各方讃揚。 致謝 這一切,都得力於各方不斷的支持和鼓勵,對於他 們在過去六年所紿予大學的意見和匡扶,我萬分感 激。 我要特別多謝在我任內先後出任大學校董會主席 的利國偉博士和利漢釗博士,以及副主席林李翹 reviews, vigilant efforts at re-engineering, and innovative and effective resource management. All these were achieved despite two consecutive trienniums of funding cuts. I am also happy to restate that the University has been allocated the largest slice of UGC block grant for the 2001-4 triennium, an allocation that was based on our performance in teaching and research. The University produced four Rhodes Scholars in these six years and our students have fared extremely well in other extracurricular activities and inter-university competitions locally and internationally. We have strengthened and diversified our academic links with centres of excellence worldwide, extending our network to cover continental Europe and New Zealand. Meantime we have stepped up our efforts to fully computerize the campus, encouraging the wide application of information technology to facilitate teaching, learning, research, and administration. At the end of 2001-2, The Chinese University is a thriving seat of learning that enjoys full autonomy in its governance, and the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of its management has repeatedly won commendation from different quarters. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 校長報告 3