Annual Report 2001–02
過去一年,校園斜坡的鞏固工程進度良好。已完成 的有十二幅,修繕中的有七幅;另有二十四幅進行 地下水管勘探及維修工程。 安至事務 至於提高校園安全方面的努力,亦取得良好的成 績,校方今年的主要工作包括: • 為大學員生提供近四千七百小時的安全訓練。 • 於校內進行的二百四十次實地視察,並向有關 部門提供安全建議。 • 審核二百九十七份硏究計劃書中有關使用實驗 室的安全措施。 •校準約四十個在校內使用的輻射量度儀,亦為 本地工業界調校五十個同類儀器,並為校外人 士提供同類服務共一百二十次。 • 檢核約一百五十個通風系統(包括風櫃和生物 安全櫃)的操作安全。 • 審 批一 百 一 十 多 個 建 築 安 全 計 劃。 •處 理 七 十 七 次 緊 急 和 有 潛 在 危 險 的 事 件。 •協助購買及運送危險品,總容量達三萬五千公 升。 • 處理逾三萬公升化學廢物(較去年多百分之四 十),以及十四公噸生物廢料。 • 檢核校內的基因實驗操作安全,確保其符合國 際標準。這是本校,也是香港的首次有關檢 核。 環保 中大毗鄰大埔滘自然保護區,周遭有六個郊野公 園 , 校 園 環 境 優 美 。 為了 維 護 校 園 環 境 , 校方 於今年實施多種計劃和方案,撮要如下: • 種 植 四 百三 十 株 喬 木 ,一 萬 一 千 六 百 餘 株灌 木,六千四百餘株花卉,以及二千八百二十六 平方米草地,以綠化校園。 completed while phase II works for the construction of a roundabout and slope works near the Hui Yeung Shing Building made satisfactory progress. The Eastern (third) entrance to the University campus was also completed substantially and the area was tidied up to facilitate safer and more convenient traffic. Following the ground-breaking ceremony held on 19th December 2001, ground investigation for the teaching hotel was completed in March 2002. Over the year, slope stabilization work on campus made good and steady progress. Twelve slope features underwent stabilization while similar work began on seven features, with 24 others undergoing buried-services investigation or maintenance. Safety Issues The major accomplishments of the University in enhancing general safety on campus over the past year include: • organizing some 4,700 hours of safety training for both staff and students; • conducting 240 on-site advisory inspections related to safety; • granting 297 safety approvals for laboratory-related research grant applications; • calibrating 40 radiation measuring instruments for internal users, undertakin g some 50 such calibrations for local industries, and providing similar services to 120 external clients; • validating 150 air systems for fume hoods and biosafety cabinets; • evaluating 110 construction safety plans for approval; • responding to 77 calls for emergency and potential emergency situations; • providing dangerous goods purchasing/delivery services involving 35,000 litres of such goods; • disposing over 30,000 litres of chemical waste, a 40 per cent increase from last year, and 14 tons of biological waste; • conducting an independent survey of the University's handling of genetic manipulation safety and its compliance with international standards, which was the first for this university and for Hong Kong. 檢查通風系統的性能 Inflow velocity test for an air system 校園建設與環境保護 c a m p u s d e v e l o p m e n t a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n 78
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