Annual Report 2001–02

捐贈、財務與賬目 Donations, Finance and Accounts 五 十萬港元或以上之捐款(二零零一至二零零二年度) Donations of HK$500,000 or above (2001-2002) 捐助者 Donors 捐贈金額(港元) Amount donated (HK$) 摘要 Particulars 光明行動護眼基金有限公司 Action for Vision Eye Foundation Limited 1,600,000 To support the operation of the Mobile Public Education Clinic, a joint venture of the Action for Vision Eye Foundation Limited, the Kowloon Motor Bus, and the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. The Advantage Trust 1,000,000 To support research, teaching, and other related activities of the Department of Statistics. 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院 Alice Ho M i u Ling Nethersole Hospital 20,000,000 For the establishment of the Nethersole Endowment Fund. 興鴻有限公司 Centurytex Limited 500,000 To support a research project jointly undertaken by the Department of Biology and the Department of Physiology. 陳志堅先生及鄧雁玲女士 Mr. Chan Chi-kin and Ms. Tang Ngan-leng 1,500,000 For the establishment of the Tang Ngan Leng Centre for general science education of Chung Chi College. 陳震夏慈善信託基金 Chan Chun Ha Charitable Trust 5,770,000 Towards the construction cost of the Chan Chun Ha Hostel on the United College campus. Mr. David P.W. Chan 1,000,000 For the establishment of the David P.W. Chan Visiting Professorship in Cardiothoracic Surgery in the Department of Surgery. 世界傳道會 / 那打素基金 The Council for World Mission/Alice Ho M i u Ling Nethersole Hospital Fund 600,000 To support the Mission Enhancement Programmes of the Theology Division of Chung Chi College. 裘槎基金會 The Croucher Foundation 864,000 To support academic visits of scholars from mainland China to the University i n 2001-2. 方漢華興業有限公司 Fong Hon Wah Continuation Limited 500,000 To support lung cancer research undertaken by the Department of Clinical Oncology. 方漢華興業有限公司 Fong Hon Wah Continuation Limited 500,000 To support research and educational programmes of the Department of Surgery. 捐贈 、 助務與賬目 d o n a t i o n s , f i n a n c e a n d a c c o u n t s 8 0