Annual Report 2002–03

校園建設與環境保護 CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION S A R S 於二零零三年三月爆發後,大學很多建築 工程的進度都受到影響,位於敎學醫院的工程需 要暫停一個月,校方亦重新檢視所有興建中的建 築物,以確保其設計足以應付 S A R S 的重臨。大 學又向政府申請撥款,以建立一個第三級的生物 安全實驗室,專門硏究傳染病。 校園發展處和物業管理處則加強合作,以保護校 園環境。它們於年中成立了戶外工作協調小組, 通報彼此的戶外工作。另巖土監察小組負責監察 校內斜坡,並提供維修建議;校園發展處在砍伐 或移植任何樹木之前,都會徵詢大學環境事務督 導委員會的意見。 此外,建築學系今年為大學進行了初步的校園規 劃,校方隨即成立校園規劃藍圖工作小組,主要 工作是把有關概念化為具體建議,廣泛諮詢員生 的意見,並定期檢討校園規劃,以配合大學的策 略性發展。 基建工程 由於政府財政緊細,校方決定暫時撤回有關大學 行政樓和敎育學院擴建的撥款申請,以爭取敎資 會支持,於二零零四至二零零五年度撥款重建李 達三樓;重建後,該樓會成為一幢綜合敎學大 樓,擁有更先進的敎學設施。 Due to the outbreak of SARS, all site works at the Prince of Wales Hospital were suspended between mid-March and mid-April 2003. Many construction programmes were rescheduled, with due consideration being given to building design in anticipation of a SARS recurrence. A fitting-out proposal for a physical containment level 3 (PC-3) laboratory for urgent research on infectious diseases was also submitted to the UGC for funding consideration in early June 2003. An External Works Coordination Unit was set up jointly by the Campus Development Office (CDO) and the Estates Management Office (EMO) during the year to facilitate coordination between the two offices for external works. Meantime the Geotechnical Monitoring Unit monitored closely all identified slopes on the campus. With the increasing awareness of maintaining a green environment, prior consultation will be carried 大 學 計 劃 重 建 李 達 三樓 Li Dak Sam Building will soon be redeveloped. 9 6 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003