Annual Report 2005–06

58 Community Service In 2005-06, the University faculty and staff continued to lend their expertise to serve the local community, the rest of China and the world, and received many accolades for their outstanding service to local and international communities. Prof. Edward Ng of the Department of Architecture initiated the project ‘A Bridge Too Far, A Dream Come True’ to build a bridge for Maosi Village, a poor village that is an eight hours’ drive from Xian. He also conducted the Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment Systems with the aim of helping the HKSAR government to improve air ventilation in Hong Kong’s urban areas. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Chairman of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, conducted groundbreaking research on gastrointestinal bleeding, H. pylori and peptic ulcer, gastric cancer, and viral hepatitis B. The project ‘Biology and Diagnostic Applications of Foetal Nucleic Acids in Maternal Plasma’ led by Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo, Li Ka Shing Chair Professor of Chemical Pathology, found foetal DNA in the plasma of pregnant women, which laid the foundation for the use of circulating foetal DNA for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. The projects on the ‘Photocatalytic Degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants’ of Prof. Jimmy C.M. Yu in the Department of Chemistry, developed visible-light photocatalytic systems for the efficient degradation of toxic organic pollutants. Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming, professor of biology, became the first scientist in the world to clone a plant gene, has been named 2005 Leader of the Year by Sing Tao Group. Prof. Fanny Cheung, Chairman of the Department of Psychology, was honoured with the 2005 Distinguished Psychologist Award by the APA Division of International Psychology for her significant contributions to global psychology. Prof. Clement Tham in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences was recognized as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong by the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong. ‘Wisers Knowledge and Management and Content Service System’ developed by Prof. WilliamWong, professor 社會服務 在二零零五至零六年度,中大成員繼續以他們的卓 越學術成就服務社會,在香港、中國,以至國際作 出極大貢獻,備受表揚,並屢獲獎譽。 建築學系吳恩融教授發現距西安八小時車程的 毛寺村村民只靠獨木橋過河,意外頻生,遂發起 「良橋助學夢成真」行動,去年在當地搭建了「無 止橋」。此外,吳教授帶領的「空氣流通評估方法 可行性研究」,協助特區政府改善香港市區的空氣 流通,亦獲頒主題建築獎(建築學研究)。 內科及藥物治療學系系主任沈祖堯教授是腸胃科 權威,他在胃腸出血、幽門螺旋菌、消化性潰瘍和 胃癌,以及乙型肝炎方面的研究均有傑出貢獻。 化學病理學系講座教授盧煜明,以「母親血漿中胎 兒核酸的探索與應用」,開創以孕婦的血漿來分析 胎兒基因表達的先河,大大擴充了血漿核酸測試的 應用範圍。 化學系教授余濟美以「有毒難降解有機污染物光 催化降解機理的研究」,利用可見光(或太陽光) 光催化有效地降解有毒有機污染物,為環境污染問 題提供了安全有效的解決方法。 生物系講座教授辛世文教授在拓展農業生物技術 上成就輝煌,獲星島新聞集團選為二零零五年傑出 領袖;心理學系系主任張妙清教授獲國際心理學協 會二零零五年傑出心理學家獎,以表揚她在心理學 發展的貢獻;眼科及視覺科學學系譚智勇教授獲國 際青年商會香港總會選為香港十大傑出青年之一。 系統工程與工程管理學系黃錦輝教授研發的「慧 科知識管理與內容服務系統」對系統轉移方面具有 創新貢獻,獲「中國計算機學會創新獎」,中大是中 S ervice to hong kong and the world 服務社會 放眼世界