Annual Report 2008–09

51 服 務 香 港 放 眼 世 界 Services to Hong Kong and the World Hong Kong’, while the ‘Graduation Exhibition of the Department of Fine Arts’ was jointly presented by the Art Museum and the Fine Arts Department. The Office of the Arts Administrator continued to organize various arts and culture activities, including lunch time music concerts, films, workshops, exhibitions and drama. CU Culture Trail Guided Tours, organized regularly for campus members and the public, were generally well received. Dr. William Thaddeus Ng, Artist-in Residence 2008–09, performed a piano recital on campus in April 2009. During 2008–09, the Chinese University Press produced 66 publications, including 19 academic titles, 23 general titles, 12 issues of scholarly journals, and 12 revised/reprinted titles. The Press has worked with the University Library to put five academic journals online for free access by students and staff. They are The China Review , Asian Anthropology , Asian Journal of English Language Teaching , Communication and Society and the Hong Kong Drama Review . Catering for Different Learners School of Continuing and Professional Studies In 2008–09, over 1,300 general courses and about 200 award-bearing programmes were offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCS) with a total enrolment of over 41,000. SCS provides a comprehensive collection of corporate training programmes to meet the needs of various private and public organizations in Hong Kong and the mainland. In May 2009, it collaborated with the Hong Kong Institute for Public Administration to offer the Programme on Public Administration and Crisis Management for senior government officials of Sichuan Province. 藝術行政主任辦公室繼續舉辦多元化的 文化藝術活動,包括午間音樂會、電影欣 賞、工作坊、展覽及話劇演出等,亦定時舉 辦「中大文化徑」導賞團予校內外人士參 加,廣受好評。二零零八至零九年度駐校 藝術家伍慶賢醫生於於二零零九年四月在 校內舉行鋼琴演奏會。 中文大學出版社是年度出版了六十六種 書刊,推動學術研究,傳播文化知識。計 有學術專著十九種,普及書籍二十三種、 學術期刊十二種、修訂或重印的圖書十 二種。 出版社跟大學圖書館合作,將《中國評 論》、《亞洲人類學報》、 Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 、《傳播 與社會學刊》及《香港戲劇學刊》五種學 刊發展成電子版本,透過圖書館網絡,供 大學師生免費使用。 照顧各類學習人士 專業進修學院 二零零八至零九年度,專業進修學院開設 逾一千三百項普通課程及近二百項學歷課 程,學生人次逾四萬一千。 學院籌辦各類型企業培訓課程,以配合 內地及香港機構的發展需要。二零零九年 五月與香港公共行政學院合辦的「四川省 中大四院戲劇比賽 Chinese University Inter-Collegiate Drama Competition 副校長鄭振耀教授(左)於專題班開學儀式中與四川省委組織部副部長 王川先生交換紀念品 Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng (left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor, exchanges souvenirs with Mr. Wang Chuan, deputy head of Organization Department of Sichuan Provincial Committee, at the opening of the management programme 駐校藝術家伍慶賢醫生演奏鋼琴 Dr. William Thaddeus Ng, Artist-in-Residence, at the piano