Annual Report 2008–09

54 undergraduates programme choices. The students took an immersion English or Putonghua module and academic modules in medicine, business, engineering, philosophy, social science or science. The International Summer School (ISS) was held in late June 2009. The five-week programme aimed to develop CUHK into a thriving international education hub that offers students an international learning environment and opportunities for cultural exchange during the summer. Over 600 students attended the ISS, of whom more than half were international students from 30 places around the world. Courses in business, humanities and social sciences with Asian or Chinese perspective were offered in addition to Putonghua and Cantonese courses. In Support for Business and Industry The research projects of the Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering focus on the monitoring of vital signs in home health care. A project, ‘Non- contact Electro-cardiogram Monitoring Bedsheet’, was awarded the Best Lifestyle Gold Award (Home Life and Healthy Living) by the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2008, and received the attention of the industry in the China Hi-Tech Fair 2008. The research group and a company from Shenzhen are discussing collaboration for further development and commercialization. A research team led by Prof. Charlie C.L. Wang of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering collaborated with an international technical fashion consultancy named TPC (HK) Ltd. to apply CUHK’s precise 3D surface flattening and volume parameterization techniques in the design and fabrication of user customized wetsuits. The new techniques can speed up the fabrication of the user- customized product from two weeks to two days. CUHK and TPC are applying for a US patent for the precise 3D surface flattening technique named WireWarping. The Physics Department collaborated with JV Technology Development Company Limited and Shenzhen Topray Solar Company Limited to launch a two-year Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) project titled ‘Key Fabrication Know-Hows for CIGS Thin Film Solar Cell by Co-Evaporation Method’ in March 2009. It is expected that the project can form a complete integrated industrial chain for thin film solar cell R&D and production in the Hong Kong-Shenzhen area, and significantly enhance the competitiveness of photovoltaic industries in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Prof. Paul But at the Department of Biology continued to serve as a part-time professor and convener at the Laboratory for Molecular Studies of the Yunnan 五星期的國際暑期課程在二零零九年六 月底舉行,六百多名大學生群集中大校 園,當中逾半來自三十個不同國家或地 區。課程旨在提供一個國際化環境,讓世 界各地的大學生在夏季一起學習,交流 文化,擴闊視野。課程除普通話和廣東話 外,還有包含亞洲或中國元素的工商管 理、人文、社會科學等。 支援工商業 生物醫學工程聯合研究中心致力研發適 用於家庭保健的項目,當中「非接觸式心 電監測床墊」獲「二零零八年香港資訊及 通訊科技獎」中的「最佳生活時尚獎(家 居及健康生活)」金獎,並在第十屆中國 國際高新技術成果交易會獲業界垂青。研 究小組正與深圳一公司洽談合作進一步 研發,以及把研究成果產品化的細節。 由機械與自動化工程學系王昌凌教授帶 領的科研小組,與一所國際技術時裝顧問 公司─TPC香港服裝顧問公司 ─合作,將中大的三維表面平面 化精確技術及立體參數化技術 應用於個人化潛水衣的設計及 製造上。此新技術能將個人化 產品的製作時間由兩星期大幅 縮短至兩天。中大及TPC正為 名為WireWarping的三維表面 平面化精確技術申請美國專 利權。 物理系與昂昇科技開發有限 公司和深圳拓日新能源科技 股份有限公司合作,於二零零 九年三月啟動為期兩年的創 新及科技基金項目—共蒸法 製備 CIGS 薄膜太陽能電池 的關鍵工藝研究,預計能在 深港地區形成一個集薄膜太 陽能電池研發和生產為一體的完備綜合 產業鏈,大幅提高深港光伏產業技術核心 競爭力。 生物系畢培曦教授繼續擔任雲南省藥物 研究所兼任教授及該所分子學實驗室主 任。他與本地草藥業聯繫緊密,並建立 王昌凌教授 Prof. Charlie C.L. Wong