Annual Report 2008–09

65 學 生 和 校 友 Students and Alumni As usual, our students fared well in various activities and competitions in the tertiary education sector. The University debating teams won the overall championship in the 38th Intervarsity Debate Competition again after defeating their counterparts in all the English, Cantonese and Putonghua sessions. In addition, the Putonghua Debate Team represented CUHK and Hong Kong in local and regional competitions, winning silver awards in the Hong Kong Intervarsity Debate Cup Competition and the Intervarsity Debate Competition held in Taiwan, and the championship in the Asia-Pacific Debate Summit held in Australia. The CUHK Rowing Team did well at the 22nd Hong Kong Intervarsity Rowing Championships defeating The University of Hong Kong in the women’s event. The team also won the 2009 Intervarsity Indoor Rowing Championships and the men’s team was invited to participate in the China Xiamen Rowing Regatta. In May 2009, the team travelled to Singapore to participate in the Lion City Cup, winning two gold, one silver and five bronze medals—an achievement to be proud of. Career Guidance and Development The right career guidance and development is the perfect accompaniment to excellent academic programmes in preparing students to serve the community. The University continued to provide quality services in this aspect in 2008–09. To better equip students for employment, a wide range of career guidance programmes and recruitment talks were organized, attracting around 13,000 participants. Over 3,500 companies placed recruitment advertisements through the Office of Student Affairs, inviting applications for around 12,000 job positions. Believing that internship and job placement are important components in career development and exposure, the Global Internship Programme provided summer internship opportunities in state or private enterprises in major mainland cities to 120 students so they could learn about the mainland’s socio-political and economic systems as well as its corporate culture. The programme also selected over 60 students to receive workplace training overseas for periods from 4 to 21 weeks in Berlin, Dublin, London, Melbourne, New York, Paris, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto and Vancouver in 2009. Regarding graduate employment, about 96% of the class of 2008 were either employed or pursuing further studies by the end of December 2008. Among those employed, 69.1% joined the commercial and industrial sectors, 14.5% joined social and public organizations, 13.2% joined the educational sector and 3.2% joined the government. 中大學生活躍於大專界活動,比賽屢創佳 績。大學辯論隊在第三十八屆兩大辯論賽 中接連勝出英語、粵語及普通話賽事,贏 得全場總冠軍。此外,普通話辯論隊更多 次代表中大和香港出席各類賽事,並取得 香港大專盃及台灣奧瑞剛菁英賽亞軍,以 及澳洲亞太辯論峰會冠軍等佳績。 中大划艇隊女子隊在第二十二屆兩大賽艇 錦標賽中掄元,力壓香港大學獲得冠軍。 此外,該年度划艇隊不僅在八大室內拉機 項目贏得男女子混合賽冠軍,男子隊更獲 邀到廈門參加海峽兩岸香港高校賽艇挑 戰賽。划艇隊在五月亦到新加坡參與二零 零九獅城盃,憑超水準的表現獲得兩金一 銀五銅佳績,足堪自豪。 就業輔導及發展 適切的就業輔導服務可與學術課程緊密 配合,裝備學生投身社會。二零零八至零 九年度,為協助學生就業,學生事務處舉 辦了各類就業輔導活動及招聘講座,出席 學生約一萬三千人次。超過三千五百家機 構透過學生事務處刊登招聘廣告,提供約 一萬二千個職位。 中大深信實習是發展就業及開拓視野的 重要元素,「寰宇暑期實習計劃」是年度 安排了約一百二十名學生到內地主要城市 的國營及私營機構實習,讓他們體驗內地 的企業文化,認識當地社會、政治以及經 濟狀況;另有逾六十名學生獲選遠赴柏 林、都柏林、倫敦、墨爾本、紐約、巴黎、首 爾、新加坡、悉尼、多倫多及溫哥華等多 個城巿,接受為期四至二十一星期的海外 工作培訓。 二零零八年的畢業生,約百分之九十六於 該年十二月底前已獲聘或升學。獲聘的畢 業生中,百分之六十九點一投身工商界,百 分之十四點五加入社會及公共機構,百分 之十三點二投身教育界,另百分之三點二 加入政府。 寰宇暑期實習計劃 Global Internship Programme