Annual Report 2008–09

72 Digitization of Special Collections Cantonese opera diva Miss Pak Suet-sin has kindly transferred more than 6,000 items of Chinese operatic materials, including libretti and photos of Sin Fung Ming Cantonese Opera Troupe, to the Library for permanent retention. The Library and the Department of Music jointly launched a digitization project on Miss Pak’s collections. Digitization of over 170,000 full-text images capturing missionary activities in Hong Kong and China since the 1950s was completed. The Archive of Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture is accessible by the University community. Featured Exhibitions ‘Memories of Hong Kong—The Literary Life of Yu Kwang Chung’, with special emphasis on his literary achievements during Professor Yu’s stay in Hong Kong (1974–85), was jointly organized by the Faculty of Arts, the United College and the Library from 15 December 2008 to 9 January 2009. The exhibition showcased the manuscripts, letters, photos and private collections of Professor Yu. ‘A Hanlin Scholar's Legacy: Handwritten Letters to Lai Chi-hsi from Distinguished Contemporaries’ was held from 27 October to 30 November 2008. Over 70 ink brush handwritten letters from the Qing Dynasty to early Republican China were displayed. 特藏數碼化 粵劇名伶白雪仙女士轉交逾六千件中國戲 曲資料予大學圖書館永久保存,內含「仙鳳 鳴劇團」之劇本及照片等;圖書館及音樂系 已合作把這些藏品數碼化。另外,逾十七萬 頁有關一九五零年代起的香港及中國宣教活 動資料,已完成全文影像數碼化工作,大學 成員可在「基督教中國宗教文化研究社資料 庫」網頁登入,取用豐富的資料。 專題展覽 文學院、聯合書院及圖書館聯合 於二零零八年十二月十五日至二零 零九年一月九日舉辦了「香港相思 ──余光中的文學生命」展覽,介 紹余教授在香港期間(一九七四至 八五年)的文學成就,展出其手稿、 書信、照片及私人珍藏。 圖書館於二零零八年十月二十七日 至十一月三十日舉辦了「翰苑流芳: 賴際熙太史藏近代名人手札」展 覽,展出超過七十通清末至民國早 期的名人書信。 白雪仙女士(左二)到訪善本書庫 Visit of Miss Pak Suet-sin (2nd left ) to the Rare Book Room 二零零八至零九年度圖書館流通量 Library Circulation 2008–09 書 Books 1,088,105 各類學報期刊 Periodicals 4,165 指定參考書及電子指定參考資料 Reserve Books and e-Reserve 68,851 中大考試試題資料庫 CUHK Examination Papers Database 1,150,540 胡忠多媒體資料 Wu Chung Multimedia Materials 115,847 特藏書庫 Special Collections 10,807 總數 Total 2,438,315 二零零八至零九年度圖書館讀者及訪客 Library Patrons and Visitors 2008–09 入館人次 Users Entering the Libraries 2,258,885 圖書館讀者 Total User Population 45,011 團體訪客 (293 次導覽團 ) Group Visitors (on 293 Guided Tours) 5,622 余光中教授在展覽開幕禮中致辭 Prof. Yu Kwang-chung delivering his speech at the opening ceremony of the exhibition