Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 11 May 1965

to the effective date o f re tirem en t w o u ld be handled in accordance w ith A rtic le o f the T e rm s o f Service (A ) w h ic h reads: " A n appointee in good standing who retires or resigns or whose contract term inates and is not renewed, shall be given a g ra tu ity in lieu o f the leave tha t has accumulated b u t no t been taken. T h e g ra tu ity shall be so calculated as to be equal to the salary and Superannuation F u n d c o n trib u tio n tha t w o u ld have been paid had the leave been taken, b u t in no case shall the g ra tu ity exceed the equivalent o f eleven m onths' salary and superannuation fu n d c o n trib u tio n ." RULES CONCERNING G IFTS TO THE UN IVERS ITY T h e fo llow in g are rules recently approved by the C o un cil concerning gifts, donations, endowments and financial assistance given to the U n iv e rs ity : I. T ypes o f c o n trib u tio n s welcome and solicited : A . G ifts o f b u ild in g s or parts thereof, equipm ent, books and publications, and fu rn itu re s. B. E ndowm ent fo r undergraduate and postgra duate bursaries, scholarships and fellowships, and fo r professorial chairs or readerships. C. Donations o f scholarships and bursaries, loan funds, and prizes, and fo r v is itin g professor ships. D . F inancial assistance to institutes, research projects, and teaching departments. I I . Acceptance o f c o n trib u tio n s : A . O ffers o f con trib u tio n s should be made to the V ice -C hance llo r and in his absence, to the P ro-V ice-C han cellor. In the absence o f both, the Registrar shall act on beha lf o f the V ice - Chancellor fo r the purpose o f ascertaining the size o f the c o n trib u tio n and the conditions attached, if any. B. T h e V ice -C hance llo r shall accept, subject to approval o f the Council, con tribu tion s, pro vided that (a )such gifts, etc. are not incom patible w ith the purpose o f the U n iv e rs ity , and (b) such gifts, etc. should no t involve the U n i versity in recu rren t expenditure every year. C. O ffers tha t may involve recurrent expenditure in the fu tu re shall be referred to the Finance C omm ittee fo r consideration. D . T h e Finance C omm ittee shall consider all matters relating to the investm ent o f c o n tri butions and shall make its recommendations to the Council. I I I . Rules applicable to gifts, endowments and dona­ tio n s: A . Comm em oration o f the donor, i f desired, w ill be given. B. N am in g a b u ild in g or parts thereof, o r o f any in s titu te , must be approved by the Council. C. T h e donor o f a b u ild in g w ill, if he so requests, be in fo rm ed o f the arch itectura l plan o f the b u ild in g tha t the U n iv e rs ity has adopted and o f the progress in construction. IV . Rules applicable to bursaries, scholarships, and fe llow s h ip s : A . O ffers o f bursaries, scholarships, and fe llow ­ ships shall be referred by the V ice-C hancellor, after acceptance, to the U n iv e rs ity Scholarship Comm ittee o f the Senate fo r action in accordance w ith S tatute 11 (3)(h). B. A fte r the U n iv e rs ity S cholarship Comm ittee has taken action in accordance w ith Statute 11 (3)(h), the V ice -C hance llo r shall refer the offer o f the donation o r endowm ent to the Finance C omm ittee fo r consideration o f suitable action to be taken fo r the investm ent o f the fund(s). V . Rules applicable to financial assistance to special research projects o n ly : A p o rtio n o f the c o n trib u tio n , no rm a lly from 10 to 15 per cent, w ill be used to defray additiona l costs to the U n iv e rs ity created by the pro je ct fo r w h ic h the donation is given. T h is am ount w ill be placed in a Special Fund and w ill be at the dis posal o f the V ice-C hancellor. PART -T IME TEACH ING T h e C oun cil, in a recent meeting, approved a policy go vern ing the em ploym ent o f p a rt-tim e teachers, w hich w ill take effect in the com ing academic year. T h e details o f the new p o licy are as fo llow s: 1. A p a rt-tim e teacher is one engaged by the U n i versity or one o f its con stituen t Colleges fo r the express purpose o f teaching p a rt-tim e . M em bers o f the A dm in is tra tiv e S taff who teach con c u rre n tly are not considered p a rt-tim e teachers. 2. A p a rt-tim e teacher should teach no t more than six un its in a te rm (5 months). 3. As a rule p a rt-tim e teaching w ill be pe rm itte d on ly in cases where a qualified fu ll-tim e teacher is n o t available fo r courses tha t are required o f students m a joring in the subject concerned, or a p a rt-tim e teacher may be engaged to test his s u ita b ility fo r fu ll tim e appointm ent. 4. A ll appointm ents w ill be reviewed by the 2