Bulletin Special Supplement Jun 1965

COLLEGE MEMORANDA ON IMPLEMENTAT ION OF THE NEW TEACHING METHOD C h u ng C h i Co l l ege 1. F i r s t Y e a r S t u d e n t s : - a) General requirements: (1) C h i n e s e . Teaching in 2 parts: (a) large lecture class, 2 hours a week, on a Systematic Survey of Chinese Studies, conducted by several teachers; ( b ) Small groups of 5-10 students in practical essay-writing, each meet once in 2 weeks. Topics of essays wil l include general as well as specialized ones, according to student's major field of study. (2) E n g l i s h . No major change. Present practice already includes tutorials for students deficient i n English. (3) P h i l o s o p h y of L i f e . No major change as tutorials are already in practice. b) Field of Speciality: Steps w i ll be taken toward the goal of 2 lines of common core courses, one for science students and one for arts and commerce. S c i e n c e . A l l physical science students will take mathematics, physics and chemistry in 1965-66. Integration o f biology into this core in 1966-67. Some difficulty is expected for students of doubtful comman d of English. Reduction in class hours is only practicable in laboratory exercises in the coming year. A r ts & C o m m e r c e . Introduction of tutorials for all students in their major course. Reduction of lecture hours to 4-5 hours/fortnightly, (at present 3-hours per week). Teachers w i ll prepare for further reduction f r om 1966. 2. Second Y e a r S t u d e n t s A l l departments w i ll have fortnightly tutorials in at least one course in 1965-66 and two in 1966-67. 3. T h i r d & F o u r t h Y e a r s S t u d e n t s : - Many departments at present conduct tutorial hours i n one or more of their advanced courses. The ir effort in this direction w i ll be further intensified w i t h the aim of conducting tutorials for all courses i n 1967. 4. A l l teachers are asked to produce detailed syllabuses, after consultation w i th the Boards of Studies concerned, on lectures, tutorials, and seminars for courses offered in 1965-66 before August 15, 1965. N e w As ia Co l l ege A t a meeting held on 11th May to study the Lehmann/ Loach Report on teaching methods and to devise means for its implementation, the following resolutions were adopted. (1) I t was resolved that the following suggestions in the Report should be accepted: a. introduction of small-group teaching ; b. reduction of lecture hours; c. simplification of the contents of courses. These suggestions, it was noted, are in line w i th the Regulations which were passed by the College in 1962 to improve teaching efficiency. (2) I t was resolved that in order to provide favourable conditions fo r the successful implementation of the above suggestions the College should propose the following: a. that the Degree/Diploma Examination scheme be re-examined w i th a view to reducing the number of papers and the contents of the examination syllabuses; b. that the training of students' reading ability should be adopted as the aim of general English teaching; 4