Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 1 Jul 1965

Middle Schools of Hong Kong” (10 Vols.), 1963; “Con tour Exercises and Map-Reading.” (Chinese and English editions), published by T h e China Geog. Mod el Mfy., 1960; “Some Aspects o f Geography of Hong Kong." (in English), published by T h e China Geog. Model Mfy., 1965; “ A New Atlas of China,” published by T h e Chin a Geog. Mo del Mfy., 1957; “A New Atlas of the World," published by T h e China Geog. Model Mfy., 1959. Mr . Tsow An-Chung, New Asia College, Economics, M r. T sow was horn in Singhwa, H un an, and g ra d u a t ed from the F u h T a n University, Shanghai, in 1924 w ith a B.C.Sc. degree in Commercial Science. H e had tau g h t in the following universities: F u h T a n , Shanghai L aw School, C h u n g Chi, C h iao -T u n g , and the M ilitary Academy. H e was for some time the C h ief A cco un tan t and Associate Managin g D irector of several railways in China, and the M an ager and D irector of the Bank of Communications in China. H e joined the staff of N ew Asia College in 1959. H is publications include: ”Chinese Railway Accounting Procedure''; “The Part o f Financial Aspects in the History o f Chinese Communications” ; " Statistics of Peiping—Hankow Railway" ; “Essentials in the Adjust ment of Railway Debts—P .H .R .”; ''Economic Survey o f Overseas Chinese in South-east Asia” ; “Public Finance''; and Chinese translation of ''The Text- b ook of Economics'' by Prof. J.L . H an so n (not yet published). NEW UNIVERSITY STAFF Miss Magdalene Y in -Cheong Young, Cataloguer, Uni versity Library. M iss Y oung received her early education in H o n g Kong. She attended first th e T ack Ching G irls , School, and then graduated from Maryknoll Convent School in Kowloon. M iss Yo un g left H o n g K o n g for higher education in 1959. A fter sp end in g one year in M o u n t Saint V incent College, Halifax, N ova Scotia, Canada, she join ed M a rym o u n t College in T arry tow n , N ew York. She g raduated from M a rym o u n t College in 1963 w ith a Bachelor of A rts degree, specializing in art and music. In Ju n e 1963, she took up librarianship at Drexel In stitute of T ech no lo gy and completed the training the following June, w ith the degree of M aster of Science in L ib rary Science. D u rin g h er stay in America she obtained practical experience in the Manhattanville College, M a rym o u n t College and Drexel In stitu te of T echnology. She sp en t three m o n th s in England making a furth e r study of lib rarianship and visiting libraries before she retu rn ed to H o n g K o ng in D ecember, 1964. COMINGS AND GOINGS Vice-Chancellor Visits U .S.A. & U.K. D r. C h o h -M in g L i will leave for the U .S.A . on the 16th to discuss university matters w ith various foundations before going on to the U n ited K in g d om on th e 24th to atten d the British Commo nw ealth U n i versities Conference of Vice-Chancellors and Principals at th e University of Sussex. H e is scheduled to retu rn to H o n g K o n g on August 13 after sp end ing a few days visiting th e academic advisors of th e Chinese University on the Continent of Europe. 5