Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 9 Apr 1967
M r . T . C . Lai, De p u ty Director of the University's Department of Ex t r a -mu r al Studies , pointed out that the aims of an extra-mural department were to help people understand themselves and their environment, to train people for higher competence, to b r i ng abou t beneficent changes in attitude, outlook and behaviour, and finally, to provide opportunities for deeper spiritual and aesthetic experience. M r . L ai also proposed the formation of a Council for Con t i nu i ng Education whose purpose wo u ld be to plan and organize educational activities positively and effectually. T h e Council should be a voluntary organization and its members should be people interested in the provision of continuing education as a public service. M r . Timothy Birch, Controller of English Programme of Radio H o n g Kong, urged that a university of the air be established. He said that Ho ng K o n g was one of the few places that did not have educational television service. T h e afternoon session of the Conference centered around group discussions on D r . Liveright's paper. Finally, tea and refreshments were served befor e the Conference was formally closed. I t is expected that th e resolutions in the discussion s w i ll be of great importance and value to th e development of continuing education in Ho ng Ko n g. ADVISOR TO V I S IT THE UNIVERSI TY A t the Vice-Chancellor's invitation, Professor Fran k G. Young , Chairman of the University's Advisory Board on Natural Sciences and Professor of Biochemistry, University o f Cambridge, arrived in Ho ng K o ng on A p r i l 9 w i th M r s. Young. T h e main purpose of Professor Young's visit was to advise the Vice-Chancellor, D r . C . M . L i , on appropriate actions to be taken in regard to the science budgets of the three Colleges under the University Grants Committee scheme. Wh i le in Ho ng Ko n g, Professor Yo u ng visited the three Colleges and had close contact w i th the Universit y and College members concerned. T h e couple left for England on A p r il 14. ROTARY CLUB SCHOLARSHIPS T h e Senate Committee on University Scholarships recently approved the award of three Rotary C l ub (West) Scholarships of $1,000 each to the following students. M r . Chan Y i ng N a m , 2nd year student in History, Un i t ed College. M r . Chow Chan Bong, 3rd year student in Economics and Business Administration, Ch u ng Chi College. M r . Tarn Cha m Ka u, 3rd year student in Economics, New Asia College. SUMMER SCHOOL I N ENGL I SH Un i t ed College in co-operation w i th the Williams- i n - Ho ng K o n g Programme is again offering a special summer school for in-service teachers and social workers. T h e course w i l l include intensive training in spoken English by means of live oral drills and languag e laboratory exercises. T he faculty w i ll be made up of recent graduates of Wi l l i ams College in the Un i t ed States. T h e course for teachers w i l l last f r om Jul y 24 through August 25, and that for social workers f r om July 17 to August 25. SURVEY BY SCHOOL OF EDUCAT ION T h e University's School of Education has commenced a survey on the transfer of Chinese middle school pupils to Anglo-Chinese secondary schools in Ho ng Ko n g. T he aims of the survey are to find out the real nature of the problem, its causes, and to seek solutions accordingly. PRIZES FOR JOURNAL ISM STUDENTS One j u n i or and two senior Journalism student s of this University scored early this mo n th in the first An n u a l Photographic Contest staged by the University's Journalism Department at New Asia College. T h ey were: James Chan (senior), first and second prizes, and honorable mention ; Raymond Wo ng (junior), t h i rd ; and Patrick Chan (senior), honorable mention. T h e Photographic Divisions of Jardine, Matheson & Co. L t d . and Shriro (China) L t d . each contributed camera tripods for the first and second prizes, while the Journalism Society of New Asia College donated films for the t h i rd award. Participating students “shot”, developed and enlarged their own print s in the Department's darkroom. Ab o ut 40 photographs were entered for the contest. Judges were M r . Da v id J. Roads, Editor of Modern Asia and Lecturer in Pictorial Journalism at New Asia; Charles Smith, U P I Bureau Manager; and Prof. Mason Rossiter Sm i th of the Journalism Department. 4
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