Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 9 Apr 1967
NEW ADMI N I STRAT I VE STAFF Dr. Dachin Yik, Assistant Registrar ( A c a d e m ic Affairs) D r . Dachin Y i h was born and brought up in Shangha i and received his B. A . at the University of H o ng K o n g in 1936. T h en he went to France, and having studied Public Finance at the Ecole L i b re des Sciences Politiques in Paris, he became a D i p l ome of that institution. I n 1940 he went to the Un i t ed States on business; and when the outbreak of war in the Pacific prevented h i m f r om returning to China, he stayed on in America u n t il 1 9 4 7 , d u r i ng wh i ch period he took his Ph . D. in Public Adm i n i s t r a t i on at Harvard University. I n 1948, he came to H o ng K o n g to help establish a shipping company. F r om 1950, his activities turned to education, and for 12 years he was principa l of his own we l l - k nown schools. He assumed duties as Assistant Registrar of T h e Chinese University of Ho ng K o ng f r om A p r il 14, 1967. Dr. Hui-Ching Lu, Director of Student C o u n s e l l i n g, Chung Chi College A f t er receiving her B.A. in Social Wo r k f r om Yench- ing University, Peiping, in 1934, D r . L u went to the Un i t ed States and was awarded the M . S. degree in Hygiene and Physica l Education f r om Wellesley College i n 1940. Her M . A . i n Student Personnel Guidance was conferred by the Teachers College of Columbia University in 1948. Later , she was awarded the E d . D . by the same College in 1950 in recognition of her wo rk in teacher training and educational administration. D r . L u devoted herself to education immediately after she completed her high school education in 1928. For many years, she served as teacher, social worker and director o f students in various institutes in China and the Un i t e d States including the Y . W . C . A ., T r ue L i g h t M i d d le School, Yen c h i ng University in China, and Hastings H i gh School, an d Barnard College of Columbia University in the Un i t ed States. I n addi- tion, she is the Founder and Director of the T ' a i Chi Ch'uan Health Studio in San Francisco. D r . L u is now a membe r of the American Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Re- creation ; Ame r i c a n Personnel and Guidance Associa- t i o n; and holds Professional License , L i fe and Accident and Sickness Insurance; an d Professional License, Real Estate in the Un i t e d States. She also held membership o f such honor societies as Pi Lambda Theta a n d Kappa Delta Pi. D r . L u returned to H o ng K o ng early this year to take up her post as Director of Student Counselling i n Ch u ng Ch i College. 士 博 卿 達 葉 Dr, Dachin Yih 士 博 卿 惠 盧 Dr. Hui-Ching Lu 5
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