Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 2 Oct 1970

Lecturer in Philosophy , Chung Chi College, attended the "Conference on 17th-Century Chinese Thought" held from 6th to 12th September at Milan, Italy, under the sponsorship of the American Council of Learned Societies. • The Far East Visiting Group from Iowa University, U.S.A., visited New Asia College on 9th September. • Prof. Lee Kwang-Ho and Prof. K im Hyung- kul of the University Planning Committee, Soeul National University of Korea, visited this University on 19th September on their Asia-wide tour to acquaint themselves with the experiences of other developing new university facilities. • Prof. S.P. Chatterjee, President of the 21st International Geographical Congress, visited The Geographical Research Centre of the University on 19th September. • Dr. Sherman Maisel of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the United States visited the University on 22nd September. • Mr. Wang Tso, Registrar of Nanyang University, visited this University on 30th September and held discussions with the Acting Registrar and the Assistant Registrars of the University. • Mrs. Eva L i Ko, Lecturer in Social Work, United College, went on long leave on 14th September, 1970. During her leave from September 1970 to March 1972 Mrs. Ko will read for her D.S.W. degree at the University of Toronto. • Mr. Tse Fu Yuen, Assistant Lecturer in Geography, Chung Chi College, left on 16th September for the London School of Economics to study "Economic Geography" on a Commonwealth Scholarship. • Visitors to United College in the month of September i n c l u d e d :—S i s t er Katherine Byrne, Sister Rose Bernadette Gallagher, Maryknoll Sisters ; and Mr. Ho Sai Chu, Director and Manager of Fook Lee Construction Co., Ltd. Co l l ege News • New Asia College observed its 21st Anniversary of its Foundation and Confucius' Birthday on 28th September. Speakers at the Ceremony included Mr. Tsufa F. Lee, Vice-Chairman of the College Board of Governors, Dr. Y.P. Mei, College President, Prof. Mou Jun-sun, teaching staff representa- tive, Mr. Timothy Light, Representative of the Yale-in-China Association, and Mr. Kam Wai-pui, student representative. • A t the invitation of the Chinese Literature Department of New Asia College, Prof. Jao Tsung-i, Professor of Chinese Literature at Singapore University, gave a lecture on “The Formation of the Section of Chi: Its Influence on the Concepts of Chinese Literature" on 17th September. • The Music Department of Chung Chi College offers the following four fields of study starting this academic year: performance, theory and composition, history of music, and music education. Since its inception five years ago, the Department has been offering only music education to students. The new curriculum of study includes basic and specialized courses designed to enable those students with a different aptitude to exploit and develop their musical talents. • Two public lectures, sponsored by the Theology Division of the Department of Philosophy and Religion, Chung Chi College, were held on 21st and 25th September, 1970 at the Union Church and The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Assembly Hall respectively. Dr. Harold Leatherland, Principal of Congregational College of Victoria, Australia, delivered the first lecture: "Liturgical Renewal". The topic of the second lecture was "Pseudonymity in the New Testament", given by Dr. Frank Balchin, Visiting Professor at Taiwan Theological College, Taiwan. • A Sociology Symposium, sponsored by the Society of Social Work and the Society of Sociology, Chung Chi College, was held on 25th September, 1970 at the Student Lounge. The subject of the Symposium was "Which Way Sociology?" Speakers at the Symposium were Prof. J. Nehnevajsa, Professor of Sociology; Dr. Wong Fai-Ming, Chairman of the Department of Sociology, Chung Chi College; Dr. Ambrose Yeo-Chi King, Lecturer in Sociology, New Asia College; Mr. Geoffrey H. Guest, Lecturer in Sociology, United College; and Mr. Y ip Chi-Ying, a student of Sociology, Chung Chi College. • A t the 122nd Monthly Meeting of New Asia College on 11th September, President Y.P. Mei gave a talk on "The Purposes and Objectives of New Asia College and Its College Spirit". • Dr. Tchang Pi-kai's Memorial Service Committee of New Asia College sponsored a memorial service in honour of the late Dr. Tchang at the — 1 0 —