Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2001

NEWS IN BRIEF Council News New Council Member • The Chancellor ha s n om i n a t ed M r . Kwo ng Ki-chi as Member of the Council of The Chinese Un i v e r s i ty of H o n g Kong for a perio d of three years f r o m 1st A p r i l 2001. Reappointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors • P r o f . A m b r o s e K i n g h a s b e en reappointed as pro-vice-chancellor o f the University f r om 11th October 2001 to 31st July 2003. • Prof. L iu Pak-wai has been reappointed as pro-vice-chancellor of the University for a term of two years from 1st October 2001. Reappointment of College Head • P r o f. Ranc e P.L. Lee, p r o f es so r of sociology, has been reappointed as head of Chun g Chi College for a pe r i od of three years from 1st August 2001. New Faculty Dean Prof. Dan i el P.L. Law, professor i n the Department of Music, was elected Dean of Arts for a term of three years from lstAugust 2001, succeeding Prof. Kwok Siu-tong. University Members Honoured • Two members of the University were on the year 2001 Honours Lis t announced by the governmen t of the Ho n g Kong Special Admi n i s t r a t i ve Region on 1st July 2001. • P r o f. H u S h i u Y i n g , h o n o r a r y professor of Chinese medicine, was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star for her remarkable achievements i n the f i e l d of botany, b o t h i n H o n g Kong and overseas. • P r o f . Wo n g P o - c h o i , associate p r o f es so r i n the D e p a r t me n t o f I n f o r m a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g, was awarded the Medal of Honour for hi s v a l u a b l e c o n t r i b u t i o n t o t he promotion of IT i n education. • Prof. Leung Ping Chung, professor of orthopaedics and traumatology, was awarded an honorary degree of Docto r of Social Sciences by the University of Ho ng Kong on 29th March 2001. • Prof. Ch i Wu, professor of chemistry, wa s a w a r d e d a C r o u c h er Sen i or Research Fellowship fo r 2001-2 at a presentation ceremony he ld on 29th March 2001. The Croucher Foundatio n pays to the University the salary of a replacement teacher to stand i n fo r Prof. Wu CHINES E UNIVERSIT Y BULLETI Autumn • Winter 2001 5 0