Bulletin Offprints(II) Printed with No. 2, 2013
came Lecturer in Mathematics in 1945. In 1950, Dr. Tsou took up a part-time Lectureship at the Uni- versity of Hong Kong, and a year later became a full-time member. In 1953, he was awarded a British Council Scholar- ship and was granted study leave by the University of Hong Kong to engage in research and advanced studies under Professor A.G. Walker at the University of Liverpool, where he was conferred a Ph.D. degree in 1955. He returned to the University of Hong Kong in 1955 and held the post of Lecturer in Mathe- matics there from 1958-1963. In September 1963, Dr. Tsou joined the United College as a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics and also assumed duties as Head of the Department of Mathe- matics and as College Dean of the Faculty of Science. Meanwhile, Dr. Tsou continued his service at the University of Hong Kong until May 1964 as a Part- time Lecturer. Dr. Tsou's special field of interest is the differ- ential-geometric aspects of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. choose their future fields of study. The names of the speakers and their subjects are as follows: Mr. Pan Chung-kwei Chinese Language & Literature Dr. Michael Wei Journalism Dr. Lee Yu Yang Physics Prof. Mou Jun-sun Chinese History Dr. Phillip Sun English Language & Literature Dr. Yen Kwo-yung Biology Mr. H.T. Wu Education M i ss L e e He i - man } S ocial W o r k Mr. Ho Kam Fai Dr. David Sheng Music Mr. Wong Shau-lam Sociology Dr. Mark Kent-chun Economics Dr. Sutu Hsin Commerce Dr. Ma Lin Chemistry Dr. S . T. Tsou Mathematics Miss Lun Ngai-ha World History Prof. Chen Cheng-siang Geography Prof. Tang Chun-i Philosophy Mr. Yu Chun-chih Fine Arts Dr. Yang Ju-mei, Dean of Commerce and Social Science Born in Tzehsien, Hopeh, 1899, Dr. Yang graduated from the University of Michigan in 1923 with a B.A. degree in Economics, obtained his M.A. degree in 1924 and Ph.D. degree in 1926 from the same Uni- versity. On his return to China, he taught in the following universities; Chiao-Tung, Chinan, Kwang Hwa, and Shanghai. He had worked as a manager in many banks in China. He joined the staff of New Asia College in 1949. His publications: Goodwill and other Intangible Changes in Monetary Value and Problem of Conver- sion; Accounting in a Free Economy. ON THE AIR Volumn Two • February 1966 • Number Seven In the next few months, students of Hong Kong will have an opportunity to know more about the University. Radio Hong Kong will present a series of talks in Chinese by staff members of the Chinese University to introduce the various courses offered, so as to help potential students of the University to C H R I S T M A S P A R T Y Volumn Two • January 1966 • Number Six The Central Office, the School of Education, the Department of Extra-mural Studies, the Central Library, the Mass Communication Centre and the Economic Research Centre held a joint Christmas party on December 24’ in the Conference Room of the University. More than sixty people attended. GRADUATE SCHOOL TO COMMENCE IN AUTUMN Volumn Two • May 1966 • Number Ten The Chinese University of Hong Kong will in- troduce two-year post-graduate courses in the next academic year leading to the Master's Degree in the following study areas: Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy, Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Geo- graphy, and Business Administration. With the excep- tion of the area of Geography, which will admit only students of Chinese Geography, Economic Geogra- phy and Cultural Geography, all areas are open to 7
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