Bulletin Special Supplement Summer 2015

開拓生源 羅致精英 Recruiting the Creamof the Crop 擴濶學生視野 積極推動交流 Increasing Student Exchange Opportunities • 成立入學及學生資助處,專責擴大招生範圍至亞洲、美洲、歐洲、澳洲及非洲等國家。 (2005) • 率本地大專院校之先,在 2005 年加入「全國普通高校統一招生計劃」,網羅尖子入讀 中大。招生範圍由 2005 年的十七個省市增至 2009 年的二十五個省市。 • Establishment of the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid to expand student recruitment to Asia, the Americas, Australia, Europe, and African countries (2005) • Led local institutions in joining the National Colleges and Universities Enrolment System in 2005. Top students were recruited from across 17 provinces and municipalities on the mainland in 2005, and 25 in 2009. • 2004 至 05 年度獲頒獎學金往海外參加交換計劃、會議、交流團,以及修讀研究院課程 的學生有 134 人,金額約共 439 萬港元。在 2009 至 10 年度,受惠學生增至 1,034 人, 金額 1,530 萬港元。 • 2004 至 05 年度,外出與來校交換生數目分別為 423 人及 393 人,146 間夥伴院校分布 全球 23 個國家。 2009至10年度,數目增至1,142人及1,198人,夥伴院校超過200間,分布28個國家。 • 2005 年,康本健守博士惠贈中大一億港元支持國際學術交流計劃、學術及研究發展。 • In 2004–05, 134 students were awarded HK$4.3 million to participate in overseas exchange programmes, postgraduate studies, conferences and overseas study tours. The figures increased to 1,034 students and HK$15.3 million in 2009–10. • In 2004–05, the numbers of incoming and outgoing students on exchange were 423 and 393, respectively, involving 146 exchange partners from 23 countries. The corresponding numbers reached 1,142 and 1,198 in 2009–10, involving more than 200 exchange partners from 28 countries. • Received a donation of HK$100 million from Dr. Alex Yasumoto in support of international academic exchange and academic and research development 16 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin Special Supplement