Newsletter No. 53

CUHK NEWSLETTER 29 Receiv e Lon g Service Award s List of Award Recipient s Name Current Post/Department Ms. Joan Barbara Boozer Lecturer , English Language Teaching Unit Mr. Chan Siu-tong Lecturer , Dept. of Chinese Language & Literature Dr. Benjamin Y. M. Chan Senio r Lecturer, Dept. of Educational Administration & Policy Dr. Chen Te Senio r Lecturer, Dept. of Philosophy Mr. Dang Shu-leung Senio r Lecturer, Dept. of Chinese Language & Literature Mr. Hsu Dan-lin Lecturer , Dept. of Finance Dr. Hui Kwan-yu Lecturer , Dept. of Chemistry Dr. Lau Oi-wah Reader , Dept. of Chemistry Prof. Rance P. L. Lee Professor , Dept. of Sociolog y Mr. Y. B. Leung Assistan t Registrar, Faculty of Social Science Mr. Lew Kin-keung Assistan t Librarian I, University Librar y System Mr. Norman Ng Yan-tak Lecturer , Dept. of Geography Dr. Tam Ping-kwan Lecturer , Dept. of Mathematic s Dr. Wong Yau-chuen Reader , Dept. of Mathematics Mrs. May Choi Yu Mei- Nursin g Officer, University Health ying Servic e Miss Nancy Chung Chi- Genera l Clerk I, Office of Industrial & ming Busines s Developmen t Mrs. Hung Wong Chau- Genera l Clerk II, Institute of yuet Chines e Studie s Mr. Kwok Shung-chi Telephon e Operator, Central Office Support Servic e Mrs. Lam Ho Hing-wah Genera l Clerk I, Registration Sectio n Mrs. Lee Huen So-pin g Senio r Library Assistant, United College Branch Librar y Mr. Li Meng-jinn Librar y Assistant I, University Librar y System Mr. Ling Tat-hung Offic e Assistant, College Office, United College Mr. Lo Chi-hung Senio r Library Assistant, Universit y Library Syste m Mrs. Lo Mak Hau-chong Genera l Clerk II, Science Centre Office Mr. Ng Kwok-tung Offic e Assistant, College Office, Chung Chi College Mr. Poon Shung-jack Genera l Clerk I, Faculty Office of Business Administratio n Mr. Tse Hing-chuen Offic e Supervisor, School of Continuing Studies Mr. Tse Siu-fai Offic e Assistant, College Office, United Colleg e Mr. Wong Sek-heng Technician , Dept. of Biochemistr y Twenty-nine staf f member s wer e honoure d o n 5t h March wit h Lon g Servic e Award s b y th e Universit y i n recognition o f thei r 2 5 year s o f servic e t o th e University. Prof. Charle s K . Kao , th e vice-chancellor , officiated a t th e awar d presentatio n ceremon y hel d a t the Universit y Gues t House . Some o f th e honoree s talke d t o CUHK Newsletter about thei r feeling s on thi s memorable occasion ; som e wrote u s littl e piece s abou t thei r wor k o n campus ; an d some wen t t o grea t length s t o di g ou t ol d photograph s which ha d specia l meanin g t o the m fo r publication i n the Newsletter. W e than k the m fo r thei r contribution s and wil l shar e thei r reminiscence s wit h ou r reader s i n the June an d Jul y issues . NO.53APRI L 1994 6