Newsletter No. 53

CUHK NEWSLETTER Paintings b y Fin e Art s Students an d Ne w Acquisition s of th e Ar t Galler y o n Displa y More tha n 8 0 painting s b y fin e art s student s fro m Mainlan d China, Taiwa n an d Hon g Kon g ar e no w displaye d a t th e west-wing galler y o f th e Ar t Gallery . Th e exhibitio n wil l las t until 15t h May 1994 . This is the first time that works of art by students from the three place s hav e bee n exhibite d togethe r i n Hon g Kong . Jointly organize d b y the University's Departmen t o f Fine Art s and th e Ar t Gallery , th e exhibitio n feature s paintings i n bot h Chinese an d Wester n medi a b y student s fro m th e Centra l Institute o f Fin e Arts , th e Nanjing Colleg e o f Arts , th e Chin a National Academ y o f Fin e Arts , Sichua n Fin e Art s Institute , Guangzhou Academ y o f Fin e Arts , th e Fine Art s Departmen t of Nationa l Taiwa n Norma l University , th e Fin e Art s Department o f Chines e Cultur e University , th e Swir e Schoo l of Desig n o f th e Hong Kon g Polytechnic , an d th e Departmen t of Fine Arts of CUHK . At its east-wing gallery, the Art Gallery has staged anothe r exhibition o n it s ne w acquisitions . Larg e item s o f differen t materials hav e bee n selecte d fo r display , includin g bronz e vessels o f th e Epoc h o f Sprin g an d Autumn , potter y o x an d ox-cart o f Han, buddhist ston e stele of Northern Zhou , potter y funeral figurine s o f Su i an d Tang , rubbing s o f Tan g epitaph s and sarcophaguses, an d stone, porcelain and wooden statue s of Song t o Qing periods. Al l ar e welcome . New Publication s o f The Universit y Pres s The followin g book s wil l b e sol d a t a 2 0 pe r cen t discoun t to staf f member s a t th e Universit y Bookshop , Joh n Fulto n Centre. • Student Counselling (revise d edition) (i n Chinese) , b y Bett y L. L. Lai Yau , 34 6 pages , paperback, HK$55 . • English Language Testing in Hong Kong, edite d b y Josep h Boyle an d Pete r Falvey, 38 4 pages, paperback , HK$240 . NO.53 APRI L 199 4 7