
讀者建議 共有三十一名讀者在問卷寫下對《中大通訊》的個人意見 •報喜不報憂,自吹自擂有啥用?一直不明白中大通訊的目的何 在:「中大人」身分建立?純資料?「黨」報?我一直當是最後 者。現在想擴充版面嗎?有沒有自己的想法?朋友,一味被讀者 牽著鼻子走不是好受的一回事。 •(甲) 本校教職員手冊( Staff Handbook) 往往未及時改訂新版。 建議出版事務處配合秘書處主掌新版之及時印發【編者 按:負責出版該手冊之單位爲人事處,並非秘書處。】。 並如(七)項所提議就人事福利事項規定辦法和政策之變 動,及時公布並附印全文(重要項目)。 (乙)主持全校各行政部門服務質量調查,定期公布,改善與被 服對象之溝通,有效地取得「顧客還饋」( c l i e n t feedback)。 •中大通訊應該報導一切有關中大所發生的事,不論喜或哀,甚至 醜聞也應被同事得悉。 •大學消息,校園點滴與專題特寫/專訪三欄之篇幅文字的比例宜接 近,不宜過分偏向某方面。 ‧增設職員評論、申訴專欄,以最明白是非的官員解答。 ‧希望《中大通訊》能以較開放、開明及趣味性的形式出現,而不 流於過分官方刊物化。「議論校政」、「讀者申訴」等是大膽而 吸引的新欄目,但會否辦得成功,視乎讀者是否願意投稿,撰稿 人是否言論中肯,官方是否抱開明態度接受批評,各決策及行政 單位/委員會是否願意增加透明度等。 •如有可能,請改用再造紙及選用較薄的紙張。 •可否考慮將「通訊」電子文本放於電腦網絡上?以方便隨時查 閱,也可減少浪費紙張及儲存空間。 •本人在數年前曾投訴 某部門 的一位某先生,指他濫用職權,厚此 薄彼,但因筆名爲「一群不平人上」一九八九年秋,結果《中大 通訊》沒有刊登【編者按:當時應是《中大簡訊》】,而且那位 姓某的仍然留在中大 某部門, 而且還在宿舍住,當時此信已將副 本影印給各單位,但同樣沒有甚麼行動。所以若有任何意見或投 訴,相信只有《中大學生報》或寫大字報之外,都沒有其他渠道 了 ;幸好現在有《中大職協報》,要投訴,相信只有這份報刊才 可幫忙! 註:本人現在已經沒有 利用這種服務, 亦不需受這人的氣,看他 的面色,所以不知道情況有沒有改善。 【編者按:黑體文字經編輯。】 •(一)用再造紙印刷。 (二)減少發行的數量。 •由於《中大通訊》主要供校內人士閱讀,我覺得印刷方面應以經 濟爲主,不需要太裝潢,紙張的質素也可以相應調低,因爲我知 道大多數職員閱畢便會將之棄掉。 •《通訊》應用再造紙來印。 •提供多些有關大學的資訊,例如飯堂加價的價目表,學院活動, 各類大學服務收費,其他如人事處有新政策,亦應利用《中大通 訊》宣布給各同事知。 •我認爲在中大多年,對大學的講師教授們認識不深,希望增加對 他們的認識,除訪問新上任的同事外,舊有同事,亦可訪問,看 看他們的新硏究或有什麼動態,又可以訪問接受了硏究基金的同 事,訪問他們的硏究計劃的槪念,以加強對他們的認識。 •欣悉改版後的《中大通訊》能開放更多的版面,提供個人或「小 眾」各好己見的園地,這是個好的構思,也是個新的創舉。 在這神州大地,風雲際會的敏感時刻,要的是言論中正無偏 倚,實事求是。它是反映人們的心聲,是眞正喉舌劍,是動盪漩 渦的中流砥柱,是徘徊迷惘的暮鼓晨鐘。冀能不斷的邁進有若春 秋的激勵作用。以下是祝賀和祈望《中大通訊》能發揮它的艱巨 無畏精神。 祝《中大通訊》改版 中正無偏論自由,大地漩渦砥柱流, 通報心聲喉舌劍,訊評激勵若春秋。 • There is always an insufficient number of newsletter distributed to CUHK staff working at PWH. Therefore, I've never been able to receive a copy of my own and need to share between several persons. Some of the latest news would cool down before I receive the information. • This survey is a good idea. • This publication seems to be the only means to obtain information about CUHK — its activities etc, for people new to CUHK and understanding no written Cantonese. It could be a unifying influence on campus, a publication that all are keen to read each week so that they are better informed about all parts of life on CUHK. • Single issues should not exceed the present length 一 we already have more printed matter coming to us than we can handle. Basically the present range is fine 一 we could only do with extra in the way of commentary on what goes on in the university. • I find the Newsletter informative, well-written and inviting. You are doing an excellent job! • Good source of University news. Keep up the good work! • I find CUHK Newsletter interesting and informative as it is at present. I always enjoy reading it. • For me, a new CUHK staff, the newsletter is an interesting window into CUHK. Maybe after a year I would have more specific feedback for you, but for now I am just enjoying its contents and find them helpful and informative. • Would it not be much cheaper, cleaner, and quieter to run a tram service throughout the campus, or at least from the KCR to the colleges. I find it sad to see people having a healthy walk up the hill, only to be blasted with a cloud of black diesel fumes from university buses. In the long term, is a tram system viable?... • Interesting and useful information! Analysis and exposition of University policies and development are welcome! • Presently very nice paper used, feels good etc, etc. But as I throw it all away 一 what a waste! • Thank you. • What is the relevance of married with two/three children? I do not need to know whether Dr X is interested in ANT or Pornography!! Cut out the crap about staff. • Can you make some request form for those who would like to receive the newsletter individually and distribute the newsletter according to their addresses monthly, so that I will not miss any copy of it? • The University lacks an intellectual publication which reflects the life and thought of its members, e.g. the Cambridge Review. However, the CUHK Newsletter is probably not the appropriate platform for this. An alternative, perhaps quarterly, publication is suggested. • Nice format and content. Keep up the good work! 第六十一期 一九九四年十二月 10